Pavia: The reason for the gigantic mural that appeared in front of the San Matteo Polyclinic

Murals Sant’Agata San Matteo

“Every breast has its own story”: in front of the San Matteo Polyclinic Of Pavia a gigantic mural inspired by Sant’Agata has appeared with the aim of raising awareness among women in the Pavia area about joining to organized mammography screenings.

Murals in front of San Matteo

Reaches Pavia the awareness campaign of Europe Woman Italy for joining the mammography screeninginspired by Sant’Agata: in front of the main entrance of the IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundationwas revealed today, Thursday 6 June 2024, the mural depicting a contemporary reinterpretation of the Saint, protector of female breast healthcreated within the project “Every breast has a story, screening can tell it to you”.

«The mural unveiled today – he declares Lorella CecconamiGeneral Director of Ats Pavia – is a powerful and visual symbol of the awareness campaign that we have always carried out for eencourage women to undergo screening programs offered in the area. I will never stop saying that prevention is a fundamental tool in the fight against breast cancer and early diagnosis can save lives, because it allows you to identify any anomalies at an early stage and significantly improve the chances of successful treatment. This mural reminds women the importance of taking care of yourself and having periodic checks. Awareness and action are our most powerful allies in the fight against cancer.”

Murals Sant’Agata

Low adherence to mammography screening

Data relating to women’s participation in Organized mammography screenings still show too low adherence: at a national level the average is around at 50%, with virtuous regions and others less so. In Lombardy the membership figure, referring to 2022, is 56% and, although it is higher than the national average, it is not a percentage we can be satisfied with.

In fact, scientific evidence demonstrates that breast cancerif he comes diagnosed at an early stage, it can be addressed with greater effectiveness, fewer side effects and greater possibilities of cure, with very high chances of recovery. For these reasons it is essential that women do not shy away from this fundamental appointment with and their health.

«Europa Donna has been involved in the protection of the rights to prevention and treatment of breast cancer: raising awareness of early diagnosis is at the center of our commitment, we are therefore thrilled that today our campaign has also arrived in Pavia. This mural is ideally dedicated to all the women of the city and the area, so that they have an impressive reminder in a crucial place of the city, which urges them to take care of their breasts, doing prevention and adhering to mammography screenings organized by the National Health Service and Regional” – declares the Europa Donna Italia team with the Ados Pavia association.

Murals Sant’Agata

Who made it?

The mural, made possible thanks to the collaboration of the IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation, the Health Protection Agency (ATS Pavia), the Territorial Social Health Company (ASST Pavia) and the Ados Pavia Association, was created by the artist KayOne – alias Marco Mantovani – by Stradedarts-Urban Gallery Milan, which has revisited the image of the Saint in a secular and personal interpretation, combining figurative art and the pop style typical of street art. The murals dedicated to Sant’Agata, and created as part of the national campaign “Every breast has a story. The screening can tell you”, are multiplying in the capitals: the first was carried out in Foggia at the beginning of 2023, followed by the cities of Milan, Bergamo, Brescia, Mantua, Rome and, today, Pavia.

The artist during the creation of the work

«This mural aims to raise awareness throughout the city about one important topic such as prevention – explains Alessandro Venturi, President of the IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation -. If after many years, today, breast cancer is a battle that can be won, it is thanks to the fact that, obviously, prevention activities are carried out and that a lot of research has been carried out which has made it possible to manage this pathology with a very successful.”

«This initiative enhances the work that is done by our companies, ATS, ASST and Policlinico San Matteo for the breast unit and for the entire mammographic screening part, as well as for the numerous activities that we carry out together – he comments Andrea Frignani, General Director of ASST Pavia –. I thank Europa Donna for this opportunity.”

The campaign enjoys the support of the scientific community, including the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM), the Italian Mammographic Screening Group (GISMa), the National Screening Observatory (ONS), the Italian Association of Breast Radiology Technicians (AITeRS), the AIOM Foundation (Italian Association of Medical Oncology) and Senonetwork.

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