a greener and more transparent city

a greener and more transparent city
a greener and more transparent city

On 8 and 9 June, together with the 2024 European elections, the administrations of 3715 Municipalities will also be renewed, almost half of the total in Italy. Among the main ones we can list Florence, Bari and Cagliari. TO Casoriain the province of Naples, speaks Clara Vincellicandidate on the AVS list (Greens-Left Alliance) in support of the outgoing mayor Raffaele Bene.

Could you introduce yourself briefly?

I am 32 years old, I graduated in law from Federico II. During my studies I met professors and politicians who I admire and respect. I have always been animated by a great desire to do and I believe that our generation has the duty and ability to bring about positive change, marked by innovation and active participation.

The candidate Clara Vincelli

I am aware of his great passion for sport. Can you explain how this experience influences your political vision?

Since I was a child I have practiced various sports in Casoria: swimming, taekwondo, volleyball, today I play five-a-side football in a team from Naples. I believe the values ​​I have learned through sport can be well applied to politics: discipline teaches us to work with dedication, facing every challenge; perseverance not to be discouraged in the face of obstacles, but to find solutions; teamwork reminds us that only by joining forces can we achieve ambitious goals. Politics, like sport, is a field where it is essential to work together for the common good, and I want to build a strong and cohesive team, where every citizen feels an integral part of the change.

What are the main themes you intend to focus on for the future of the city?

My vision for the future revolves around three fundamental themes: public green spaces, change compared to the past and young people. In our city we have seen a decline in the care and maintenance of precious spaces. Public green spaces are an essential component of the quality of life. Trees, parks and gardens are the lungs of our city, they offer us not only clean air, but also spaces for aggregation and above all for mental and physical well-being. My commitment is aimed at redeveloping our parks and creating new spaces where you can go for a run or walk, children can play safely, and the elderly can find a corner of tranquility.

He also spoke of a change compared to the past. What does he mean exactly?

Until five years ago we witnessed a political management that, too often, neglected the real needs of citizens. We have seen wasted resources and broken promises. Now it’s time to begin a new era of transparency and efficiency. My project is to ensure that every euro spent by the Municipality is invested effectively and productively and that citizens can monitor the progress of projects in real time and actively participate in decisions that affect their neighborhoods.

And what about young people?

Young people, among whom I still briefly feel like I am returning, are the engine of innovation and change; however they often feel deprived of opportunities and without real support from institutions. I therefore want this city to be able to listen to and value the new generations. Strengthening the training offer, creating partnerships with local companies so that young people can also acquire the practical skills required by the job market today. Furthermore, I intend to make our city more attractive for young entrepreneurs through coworking spaces where they can meet, realize their ideas and develop their talents.

In conclusion, what is your message for citizens who wish to support your vision?

My commitment is to build a greener, more transparent and closer to young people city. To make this vision a reality, I need your support. I am convinced that, with everyone’s contribution, we can create a better city, one we can be proud of. A place where every citizen, young or old, can find their place and feel valued.

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