scores by constituency LIVE

scores by constituency LIVE
scores by constituency LIVE

22:24 – Partial results in Rennes

Partial results at 87.67% of those registered received in Rennes (35): UG elected 55.69%; ENS 25.65% and RN 11.87%

22:10 – Partial results in Rennes

Partial results at 54.95% of registered voters received in Rennes (35): UG elected with 55.41%; ENS 26.11 and RN 11.7

21:46 – Partial results in Rennes

Partial results for 37.95% of those registered in Rennes (35): UG 55.68%; ENS 25.78%

21:02 – New results in Ile et Vilaine

Partial results for 75.75% of those registered in the Ille-et-Vilaine department: ENS 30.98%; UG 30.52% and RN 27.83%

8:30 p.m. – Results in Île et Vilaine

Partial results at 54.29% of registered voters in the department of Ille-et-Vilaine (35) in this first round of legislative elections: ENS 31.01%; UG 30.33% and RN 28.99%

20:11 – Together in the lead in Ile et Vilaine

Partial results for 47.36% of those registered in Ille-et-Vilaine (35): ENS 31.26%; UG 29.88%; RN at 29.53%

20:02 – Seat projection

According to the Elabe projection for BFMTV, RMC and La Tribune Dimanche RN: 260 to 310, NFP: 115 to 145; Together ! : 90 to 120, LR/UDI/DVD: 30 to 50 seats in the Assembly.

8:00 p.m. – The first results of the first round of legislative elections

Discover the first national results of the first round of the legislative elections according to Ifop for TF1 and LCI, the results of the cities will arrive later in the evening:

  • RN : 34,5%
  • NFP : 28,5%
  • Maj : 22,5%
  • LR : 10%
  • Ext G : 1,2%
  • REC : 0,5%
  • Divers : 2,8%

19:29 – What will left-wing voters choose in Rennes?

Another uncertainty that accompanies these 2024 legislative elections will be that of the choice of left-wing voters after the construction of the Popular Front. The bar is high: during the first round of the legislative elections in 2022, in Rennes, Nupes had in fact gathered 49.64% of the votes in all 4 constituencies corresponding to the city. How many will vote for the Popular Front, combining France Insoumise, the Socialist Party, Europe-Ecology, the Communist Party and others, and given as very close to the majority by pollsters? In the European elections more recently, Raphaël Glucksmann gleaned 24.93% in Rennes. But we can on the other hand estimate a result of 56% for the left for this first round in the commune, the share of votes of the leader Place Publique being to be added with those of the rebellious Manon Aubry (17.85%), of Marie Toussaint (14.4%) or even Léon Deffontaine (1.99%).

18:26 – How did the National Rally perform in the legislative elections in Rennes?

What can we deduce from the results of the latest elections? If we compare the score of the Bardella list in the 2019 and 2024 European elections, we find an increase of 1.53 points in Rennes. But this should be even higher in the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, with opinion polls giving the party an increase of almost 15 points compared to the last legislative election. Enough to bring it to 13% or even more in the city this time?

17:38 – Jordan Bardella relegated to Rennes during the Europeans

There is an election that has since come to turn everything upside down. Even if not all cities are affected in the same way. The podium of the last European elections in Rennes, in fact, placed in this order the list of Raphaël Glucksmann with 24.93% of the votes cast, ahead of the list of Manon Aubry with 17.85% and Valérie Hayer with 14.46%.

5:22 p.m. – A sharp increase in participation rate in Ille-et-Villaine at 5 p.m.

The participation figures in Ille-et-Vilaine at 5 p.m. are now known. This rate stands at 59.77%. A figure that is sharply higher than in 2022, which showed 42.27% in the first round of the legislative elections at the time.

16:46 – Jean-Luc Mélenchon ahead of Macron and Le Pen in Rennes during the 2022 presidential election

The preference of a city’s residents is often most evident in the choices made during the election for the presidency of the Republic. Among voters in Rennes, Marine Le Pen was not really popular in the first round of the 2022 presidential election. With only 7.29%, the candidate was relegated to the background by Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron with 36.31% and 29.47% of the votes respectively. In the second round, Emmanuel Macron won with 84.15% ahead of Marine Le Pen (15.85%).

16:30 – What can the scores of the 2022 legislative elections mean for Rennes?

The RN completely missed the first march in the commune of Rennes two years ago, during the elections of deputies, with 5.52% in the first round, against 49.64% for the candidates New ecological and social popular union on average over all the voters spread over the 4 constituencies of the municipality. In the second round, the RN also failed, still leaving the first local rank to the opponents bearing the label LFI-PS-PC-EELV with 39.84% against 60.16% for the winners. The winners of the election in the city were therefore this time Frédéric Mathieu (NUP) in the 1st constituency with 60.08%, Tristan Lahais (NUP) in the 2nd constituency with 56.08%, Claudia Rouaux (NUP) in the 3rd constituency with 71.29 % and Mickaël Bouloux (NUP) in the 8th constituency with 60.9%.

15:41 – Understanding the Rennes electorate: a look at local demographics

How can the inhabitants of Rennes influence the outcome of the legislative elections? With an unemployment rate of 15.08% and a population density of 4,273 inhabitants per km², issues linked to employment and housing are major subjects. The high rate of executives and higher intellectual professions, representing 28.19%, reveals a population with a high level of education. In addition, the presence of an immigrant population of 11.52% and a foreign population of 9.83% indicates issues of intercultural cohabitation. The student rate, 15.72% in Rennes, highlights the presence of a young and dynamic population who care about access to employment after studies.


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