were there really aliens?

On the occasion of World Ufo Day today some newspapers have talked about the UFO sightings reported in recent months in Italy. We have verified the origin of this information, to understand how reliable it was.

Il world of ufology not exactly the place where one can move more serenely. Lots of mythomaniacs, several conspiracies, some truth and many artfully edited images. So today it was a bit strange to read in several Italian newspapers about UFO sightings in Italy registered by theItalian Alien Research Association (Aria).

Let’s go in order. Today, July 2nd, is the World Ufo Daya somewhat self-proclaimed holiday that in some parts of the world becomes a time to talk about sightings of unidentified flying objects. Of course, it is better to remember that UFO is an abandoned definition by now. The formula UFO (Unidentified flying object) has been replaced by Uap (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon).

Italian sightings reported by Aria

On the occasion of July 2nd, some newspapers also talked about the UFO sightings in our countryciting above all the work of theItalian Alien Research Association (Aria). Specifically, the reported sightings are all located in the same area: between Albenga and GenoaSightings that most likely have to be traced back to observers’ domicile that there is a real interest of some alien species in spending a holiday in Ligurian territory. In any case, in case the aliens wanted to come Western Rivierawe complete ourselves for the choice.

What was the strange light that appeared in the skies of Southern Italy on June 23: the explanation of the phenomenon

What do Aria ufologists do?

However, while looking for some information about Aria we encountered some paradoxes. The association does not have a great online presencewith the exception of one YouTube channel with about 7,000 subscribers. In a press release dated July 2023, the Ansa press agency said that it was made up of “aerospace engineers, former members of the police force and former members of the Italian Air Force”. The face that is seen most in its broadcasts is that of the president, Angel Mayoni.

Maggioni calls himself a ufologista self-attributed title since there is no academic path in Italy to obtain this recognition. Often these are enthusiasts who collect and spread photos and videos in which they appear objects moving in the skywith more or less strange shapes and movements. Aria seems to be above all a Youtube channelin which Maggioni invites experts to talk about space, republishes extraterrestrial-themed materials and in some cases deals with current affairs. There is also a video on situation between Israel and Palestineanother topic that Maggioni seems very interested in.

In 2017 Maggioni also appeared on Rai, the program Nemo had broadcast a report by Enrico Lucci from the Savonese UFO Conference. Here he also went on stage Matthew Tenanwho explained to Lucci: “The reptilians commit a whole series of acts of abuse, the most serious of which is eating human beings”. According to various UFO theories, the reptilians are aliens with reptilian features.

Documents Revealed by the United States on UFOs

Aside from these sightings, there has been a lot of talk over the last two years about Uap. In 2023 the United States Department of Defense he actually opened a portal where reports on UAPs were collected and above all where the reports were published video of the sightings made by the military. The portal is still active and can be found at Aaro.mil.

In September 2023 we had seen the contents of the portal with Joseph Stylemember of CICAP and we had not found anything relevant. Of course. Theories about aliens are always fascinating. Only in June 2023 a former member of US intelligence, David Gruschhe had told the magazine The Debrief that the White House was hiding entire alien ships. Again, no evidence was found.

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