King Charles III, trip to California to see grandchildren Archie and Lilibet

The British Royal Family has been facing a particularly difficult period for months between the cancer diagnoses received by King Charles III and the Princess of Wales Kate Middleton and the almost absent relationship with their Dukes of Sussex Harry and Meghan Markle and the two grandchildren Archie and Lilibet. As per tradition, the parties involved are living the whole thing in private, but periodically rumours and indiscretions arrive in the British press, such as the one that would like King Charles III Willing to Do Anything to Fly to California and extend an olive branch to his son and daughter-in-law.

King Charles III and the desire to see his grandchildren

Despite the therapies he is undergoing against cancer, the sovereign of England has expressed several times in recent days the desire to organize a short trip to California, possibly away from the prying eyes of photographers, to finally see the two grandchildren again and spend time with them. The one who revealed this to the British press was the royal family expert Tom Quinn, according to whom King Charles III is encountering resistance from his wife Camilla and, above all, from his son William, the future King of England.

The last meeting was two years ago

Harry and Meghan’s firstborn, Archie Harrisonwas born on May 6, 2019, a few months before the couple decided to leave the UK and move to California, while the little girl Lilibet Diana She was born on June 4, 2021. The last time Harry’s entire family returned to England was in June 2022 for the celebrations for the Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee. Those days, more than two years ago, were the last time Charles, who became sovereign a handful of months later, was able to see his two grandchildren and, according to experts on the English royals, it was a fleeting meeting.

Quick trip to California in August?

“He’s desperate to see them and he hates the idea that Archie and Lilibet won’t remember him as the friendly, loving grandfather he wants to be,” Tom Quinn told Mirror. Prince Harry would be open to the idea of ​​hosting his father for a few days at the residence of the Dukes of Sussex in Montecito and it is not excluded that the visit could take place soon, perhaps early next month when King Charles III’s schedule is freer in anticipation of his busy tour of Australia planned for October.

Regardless of the health conditions of the sovereign, the organization of the short trip to California will be determined by the possible support of Queen Camilla, currently against the idea: “The tour in Australia will be tiring for a man of his age with cancer, let alone an emotional trip across the Atlantic to visit his son with whom he has not spoken for a long time”, added the former royal correspondent for the BBC Michael Coleinterpreting what Camilla’s thoughts would be.

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