He beats and throws his dog in a dumpster in Rome, residents scream. Homeless man reported

He was beating his dog, a female Pit Bull. From the balconies some residents heard the animal’s desperate cries and began to rail against a homeless man. Eventually the man caught the animal and threw it into a garbage bin. This terrible act of cruelty took place in via dei Sabelli, in the San Lorenzo neighborhood of Rome. The homeless man was reported for the crime of animal cruelty.

A family browses social media and discovers the face of a dog: it was Ruger, kidnapped seven years ago

by Isabella Amato

June 29, 2024

A resident, the most active in the defense of the dog, called the officers of the San Lorenzo police station who intervened on the spot and found the animal, still frightened, and the passers-by who, shortly before, had witnessed the scene. The police officers quickly intercepted the owner, a homeless person who was later reported, and thus secured the little dog who was later entrusted to the “La Muratella” dog shelter.

A motel cleaner finds a dog peeking out from under a bed: it has been abandoned

by Isabella Amato

June 29, 2024

“I immediately called the health service of the shelter and spoke to the veterinarian on duty to get information on the state of health of the dog who, unlike what was initially reported, does not appear to be pregnant – says Patrizia Prestipino, Guarantor for the protection and the welfare of the animals of Rome Capital -. The animal is however being followed by doctors who are carrying out a series of checks on its health. We will monitor the dog’s condition and make sure that whoever has carried out such an act cruelty to a sentient being must pay for the crimes he has committed.”

Sylvester the cat doesn’t have a tail but many friends to count on in times of need

by Noemi Penna

June 30, 2024

On the facts, the International Organization for Animal Protection (Oipa) also announces a complaint for mistreatment, pursuant to article 544 ter of the Criminal Code and will request the confiscation of the Pit Bull: «In the Capital there is a resurgence of the phenomenon of dogs used for ‘begging, a case prohibited by article 14 of the municipal regulation on the protection of animals – he writes in a note -. Unfortunately there are few checks, and when citizens call the municipal police or 112 to report animals in difficulty following beggars or “problematic subjects”, the report is almost never followed by prompt intervention. Oipa is also for this reason asking the Capitol to introduce special figures in the municipal police force so that the reports are followed by immediate interventions against individuals who mistreat animals and who usually stay in the reported place only for a short time”.

Wounded by a bullet and thrown into the garbage, the dog Propeller becomes one of the “fantastic six”

by Isabella Amato

June 30, 2024

Nugget the dog wouldn’t leave the street corner where he was abandoned, now he enjoys the pool

by Isabella Amato

30 June 2024

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