“Culturété” summer festival presented – Valledaostaglocal.it

“Culturété” summer festival presented – Valledaostaglocal.it
“Culturété” summer festival presented – Valledaostaglocal.it

The Department of Cultural Heritage and Activities, Education System and Policies for Intergenerational Relations announces that “Culturété”, the now well-known series of summer events that takes place in the cultural sites of the Aosta Valley, was presented today, Tuesday 2 July 2024.

From Saturday 13th July to Thursday 29th Augusta rich calendar of events will allow the regional cultural sites to be told and brought to life thanks to new and original interpretations. From artistic performances to historical reenactments, from theatre to poetry recitals to accompanied visits in different ways and approaches, the 2024 summer season also raises the curtain on the varied regional cultural offering.

The event includes numerous events divided into four categories of cultural places: Castles, Megalithic Area, Roman Aosta and Gamba Museum.

On the mild summer evenings of July and August, the castelli they acquire a magical and dreamy atmosphere, in which guided tours become privileged moments, made even more engaging by dedicated theatrical performances.

Il July 17th and 31st il Fenis Castle comes alive with The maze by Alessandra Celesia, written and performed by Francesca Brizzolara: a journey that takes visitors from room to room to the center of the building, following Arianna’s red thread, accompanied by Davide Eusebietti’s cello. Reservations required on ticket.midaticket.it/sitiecastellivalledaosta/Events.

Il July 24th and 30th the appointment is at Aymavilles Castle con Talk about love: a poetry tasting set to music live by Christian Thoma and Rémy Boniface, with ancient and contemporary texts selected by Lottie Walker, artistic director of the Beetroot podcast, and performed by Alessandra Celesia and Marta McIlduff, choreography by Sophie Borney. Tasting of local products by the Consorzio Vini Valle d’Aosta.

Reservation required at https://ticket.midaticket.it/sitiecastellivalledaosta/Events

On the weekend of July 27th and 28th visits to the Royal Castle of Sarrethe ancient summer residence of the House of Savoy, will be animated by the Ball at the castle: historical dances with participants in 19th century costumes by the Italian Theatre and Dance Company.

Reservation required at https://ticket.midaticket.it/sitiecastellivalledaosta/Events

Also Savoy Castle of Gressoney-Saint-Jean, Queen Margherita’s favourite, Sunday July 28th will welcome the public with Castel Savoia on stage: dramatized visits in historical costumes by the Gruppo storico Nobiltà Sabauda. Reservations required on ticket.midaticket.it/sitiecastellivalledaosta/Events

Il 7 and the August 16thil Verres Castle it will be a stage for All the women in the castlea show dedicated to the heroines who lived there, told by Countess Caterina di Challant, played by Alessandra Celesia with music by Luca Moccia. Reservation required on https://ticket.midaticket.it/sitiecastellivalledaosta/Events

Also opening its doors in the evening hours, Castle Sarriod de La Tour of Saint-Pierre which hosts the exhibition Pictures of piety. La scultura senza tempo di François Cerise with accompanied visits the July 19th and theAugust 11th; il Issogne Castle will reveal its late fifteenth-century frescoes and the itinerary dedicated to the figure of Vittorio Avondo with the thematic visit The Man Who Saved the Castle il July 16th and the August 24th. Reservation required https://ticket.midaticket.it/sitiecastellivalledaosta/Events

Special visits also to the Aymavilles Castleil July 26, the 2nd and August 23rdto discover A collection not to be missedthat of the Académie Saint-Anselme, which displays numerous ancient objects dating from Protohistory to the 20th century, including archaeological finds, cult objects, coins, medals, ceramics, and rarities from the natural world. Reservations required on midaticket.it

L’Megalithic area of ​​Aosta will welcome the public with a series of meetings dedicated to tastings, art and well-being, becoming a square open to experimentation.

Aperitif on the trail of our ancestors it’s an unusual one happy-hour archaeological site which includes a short visit dedicated, from time to time, to different sections of the museum, combined with a tasting of local products: the appointments will be the July 18, 1, 14 e August 29th. Reservation required on midaticket.it

A multidimensional experience, which creates a deep connection with the sacred place that the Megalithic Area holds, will be the lessons of Yoga at the museum which will take place on July 23rd and 30thil 22 e August 27th. Reservation required at https://ticket.midaticket.it/sitiecastellivalledaosta/Events

Finally, in the afternoons of 20 e August 21stthe megalithic area will come alive with Mega-Young: a unique proposal that brings together young artists from the Aosta Valley and internationally engaged in multiple artistic performances and installations to tell the most ancient history with the codes of contemporaneity. Reservation required on https://ticket.midaticket.it/sitiecastellivalledaosta/Events

The Aosta Valley of the Roman era will be represented first of all by the archaeological sites of Aosta. Il Forensic Cryptoporticus every Friday in August will host a review of short films selected by the director from the Aosta Valley, Alessandro Stevanon. Surrounded by centuries of history and immersed in an evocative atmosphere, you will be able to encounter small and large stories, as different from each other as they are universal, which will open exciting glimpses of reflection on the unpredictability of destiny.

The screenings will be preceded by a tasting. Reservations at 348 3976575 (10-18).

In the blue hour of sunset, the Roman heritage of the capital will be explored on foot, with evening walks that will lead to the discovery of the places of daily life of the citizens of Augustus Praetoria.

Roman Aosta. An Alpine “port” at the crossroads of peoples and cultures will be a guided tour through the popular neighborhoods of the Roman city, between well-known places and almost unknown archaeological sites. The appointments will always be on Mondays: the 22 e July 29thand the 5, 12, 19 e August 26thdeparting from the MAR – Regional Archaeological Museum, in Piazza Roncas. Reservations at 348 3976575 (10-18).

Two routes dedicated to the Pont-d’Ael Aqueduct BridgeThe first will be aimed at an adult audience and dedicated to The daring feat of a Paduan in the Aosta Valleythat Caius Avillius Caiusentrepreneur from Padua, who in 3 BC contributed to the construction of the Roman city. The appointments will be the July 25thand the1, 8, 22 e August 29th.

The second activity, entitled Against the current!: an unusual and exciting journey back in time that will guide participants inside the perfectly preserved monument. The appointments will be the 23 e July 30, il 6, 13, 20 e August 27th.

Reservations on https://ticket.midaticket.it/sitiecastellivalledaosta/Events

Even the MAR-Regional Archaeological Museum will invite visitors to come into contact with its treasures and its stories through different educational approaches and languages. Thanks to an interesting schedule of conference-visits curated by Giordana Amabili, Angela Deodato and Gaia Provvedi, scheduled from July 13th to August 10thyou will be able to explore a series of key themes relating to everyday life in the Roman era. Reservations recommended at 348 397 6575 (10-18).

The best conclusion of this series of meetings will be the event August holidaysil August 17th. In the month dedicated to Octavian Augustus, founder of the city, the courtyard of the MAR will be invaded by legionaries with armour and insignia of the Legio I Italicaa historic group that for years has been trying to revive the glories of ancient Rome. It is a celebration open to all citizens, with special educational workshops for children. In addition, in the evening, the Night at the Museum with the ancient inhabitants of Augustus Praetoria who will tell the stories of the most significant finds, accompanying visitors to discover the past. Those who show up in Roman clothes will be welcomed with a special gift.

Finally, Sunday August 18ththe appointment will be for Everyone to the SEA!: a day at the museum with free admission.

The fourth thematic section of Culturété 2024 will be dedicated to Gamba Museum That, from July 13thwill host the new exhibition Men. Luciano Minguzzi in Aosta ValleyThe exhibition will be accompanied by special in-depth initiatives: July 18th the conference by the artist Marco Jaccond will lead to reflection on The Way of Men. Luciano Minguzzi and Primo Levi; il July 28th you will be able to participate in a Visit with the curator of the exhibition, Davide Dall’Ombra; while il 4 e August 11th art historian Laura Binda will lead a Visit to the Gamba Museum collection in dialogue with the exhibition dedicated to Luciano Minguzzi. Il August 4thfurthermore, an educational workshop will be organised for children aged 3 to 9 years old entitled From the Park to the Castle. The Art of Nature.

On the weekend of 20 e July 21stmoreover, always the Gamba Museum will propose a fun Treasure hunt for families where, together with the explorer Charlotte, you will face traps and intrigues to find The hidden amuletonce owned by Angélique Passerin d’Entrèves, wife of Baron Gamba. For all appointments at the Gamba Museum, reservations are required at 0166 563252.

The following events are also included in the Culturété calendar: July 20th In the land of Challantan event organised by the Municipality of Issogne in the park of the castle of the same name with a historical procession, flag-wavers, falconers, games and a visit with medieval encounters; July 27th In the land of Challant moves to the Fénis Castle with a medieval festival and the Le Cors dou Heralt tournament; 23 July and the August 7th The thousand lights of the castlean initiative organised by CVA and FAI at Castel Savoia in Gressoney-Saint-Jean and the hydroelectric power station of Gressoney-La-Trinité; finally, from 1st to 4th August L’Ento Festival-Musical Grafts organized by the Municipality of Aymavilles with musical performances at the Church of Saint-Léger and in the park of the Castle of Aymavilles.

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