how to survive lockdowns until 11pm

To the great anticipation and charm of passage of the Tour de France in the citytoday, July 1st, they accompanied each other the inconveniences of paralyzed traffic. The main problem concerns Soviet Union coursewhich will be left to cyclists until Bramante Coursewhere the route includes a turn up Lepanto course and so on Galileo Ferraris street until reaching the finish line in Piazzale Grande Torino (expected arrival between 4.57pm and 5.30pm).

The consequences on traffic were significant from early morning, despite the initial indication of a closure only starting from 12.30. The impossibility of travelling along Corso Unione Sovietica created long queues and slowdowns in Santa Rita already several hours after the passage of the cyclists.

What you need to know

It should therefore be remembered that from 12.30pm to 6pm the transit ban on the entire route will come into force and it will be closed. the exit at Stupinigi of the Southern Ring Road. From 2.30 pm, all crossings perpendicular to the route will also be closed, gradually reopened after all cyclists have passed.

The southern carriageway of Corso Monte Lungo will also be closed from the first light of dawn until 11pm; eastern lateral carriageway of Corso IV Novembre, in the section between Corsos Lepanto and Sebastopoli; east lateral carriageway of Corso Agnelli, in the section between Corso Sevastopoli and Corso Fildale.

To limit inconvenience, vehicles coming from the Southern Ring Road are advised to take the Corso Orbassano and Corso Unità d’Italia exits; those coming from the west are advised to take Corso Francia and Corso Regina Margherita; those coming from the north and east are advised to take the Corso Casale – Corso Moncalieri axis.
The market in Corso Sebastopoli remained regularly open, with early closing at 12.30. The market was closed to the public instead.Koelliker Hospital: medical activity on patients and emergency services remain guaranteed.

Public transport

Many public transport services have been forced to divert their routes: these are the Gtt lines 2 – 4 – 4N – 10 – 14 – 17 – 17B – 18 – 34 – 38 – 39 – 40 – 41 – 43 – 62 – 63 – 63B – 66 – 71 – 74 – 90 – 91 – 92 – 93 B – 94 – 95 – 95B – 96 – 97 – 98 – 99 – 1510 (extra-urban Turin – Cumiana) – 1511 (extra-urban Turin – Giaveno).

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