Aversa. Youth Forum, Orabona and Caggiano ready to launch new regulation

There are just a few days left until the municipal elections of Aversa on 8-9 June and the air is full of expectations.

Among the protagonists of the Aversa political scene stand out Mariano Orabona And Mario Caggianotwo former members of Forza Italia now committed to supporting the mayoral candidate Antonio Farinaro.

Both recently announced that they had finalized the regulations for the establishment of Youth Foruma project that promises to be one of the first actions of the new municipal government.

For Mariano Orabona “the establishment of the Youth Forum represents a fundamental step to give voice to the new generations and to actively involve them in decisions that concern the future of our community. The regulation we have prepared is the result of careful and scrupulous work, aimed at ensuring maximum transparency and participation.”

Mario Caggiano, enthusiastic and confident, added: “Youth involvement has always been one of the main foundations of my way of seeing politics. The establishment of the Forum is the only real way to regulate and institutionalize the presence of young people in the decision-making machine”.

“I was firmly convinced that the lawyer Orabona, who is a serious, competent person and moved by a sincere civic sense, would support me in this proposal. We will strive to do what previous administrations failed to implement, finally establish the Forum and give decision-making power to the young Aversani too”

The Youth Forum project was born with the aim of creating an institutional space where young people can express themselves, discuss and actively participate in the political life of the city.

According to the regulation presented, the Forum will be open to all young residents of Aversa aged between 16 and 30 and will have the task of promoting initiatives, debates and proposals to be brought to the attention of the City Council.

The establishment of the Youth Forum represents a significant innovation in the Aversa political panorama and could constitute a model to follow for other Municipalities.

“We want young people to feel like protagonists of their future – concluded Orabona – and we are convinced that this is the right way to do it”.

The anticipation for the elections is palpable and the establishment of the Youth Forum could represent one of the first concrete actions of the new municipal government, aimed at encouraging the active participation of young people in local political life.

The community looks at this initiative with interest and hope, in the hope that it can truly lead to renewal and greater inclusion of the new generations in the decision-making process.

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