Como centre, pickpockets unleashed in search of phones and wallets: caught by the police

Como centre, pickpockets unleashed in search of phones and wallets: caught by the police
Como centre, pickpockets unleashed in search of phones and wallets: caught by the police

On Saturday afternoon, the State Police arrested two Algerians, aged 29 and 27, recipients of as many Orders of Cutelar Custody in Prison, illegal on the national territory and with police records for crimes against property and homelessness. A third individual, an irregular 23-year-old Moroccan, was reported as an illegal immigrant on Italian territory.

It all took place on Saturday afternoon, when the patrol cars intervened following a series of reports received via 112 NUE, which had diverted them to various points in the city due to the occurrence of several attempted thefts against tourists, which aimed to cell phones, bags or wallets.

A first intervention took place near the Como Lago railway station, where attempts at theft had been reported to users of the railway station. After receiving detailed descriptions, the police tracked down two subjects a short distance from the station. They were the 29-year-old Algerian and the 23-year-old Moroccan: the first was arrested as the recipient of a Precautionary Custody Order, while the second was reported in a state of freedom for violating the immigration law.

Another intervention took place in Piazza Cavour, where a second patrol car tracked down another group of foreigners, among whom the agents managed to identify a 27-year-old Algerian, recipient of the same Precautionary Custody in Prison Order notified shortly before to his 29-year-old compatriot.

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