Trento is also first in Europe, Taranto bringing up the rear

Trento is also first in Europe, Taranto bringing up the rear
Trento is also first in Europe, Taranto bringing up the rear

Il Corriere reports that a ranking has been drawn up by the European Commission with the contribution of ISTAT regarding quality of life in European cities. The analysis carried out on some sample cities in Europe correlates the quality data together with the sensations that citizens have.

In this special ranking he emerges again Trent. We are often used to seeing the North-Eastern city excel in the national rankings, but this time the analysis is extended to the rest of Europe. Over 90% of the citizens of Trento are satisfied with living in the Trentino city and this places them at the top in Europe ahead of Stockholm and Copenhagen. Unfortunately we have to record a spin and we find ourselves at the bottom of the ranking Taranto, where 50% of the population is not satisfied.

Unfortunately, this data does not surprise us, but it is atavistic and makes us wonder why there are these profound differences in the same country. Differences certainly not of today, but with deep roots and causes. On these topics politics should ask itself, also because in the top part of the ranking we also find Trieste, Bolzano, Parma, Ancora, while in the company of Taranto we find Reggio Calabria and Catania. The gap between the north and south of the country, which had narrowed in the 1990s, is once again starting to be felt, not only at a national level, but at a continental level.

Of course these rankings are not pure gold, also because there are also subjective components in this analysis, but certainly the problem is objective and in a united country it would not be correct for there to be citizens of Serie A, or rather we would say from the Champions League, and others from Serie B. We need to ask ourselves.

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