Benevento middle school diploma at 93 years old: Marianna Pace fulfills her dream

Benevento middle school diploma at 93 years old: Marianna Pace fulfills her dream
Benevento middle school diploma at 93 years old: Marianna Pace fulfills her dream

Benevento. Marianna Pace, at 93 years of age, is the oldest student in the entire Provincial Adult Education Center (CPIA) of Benevento.

After eighty years, the lady has fulfilled her dream of obtaining the final diploma of the first cycle of education, known as middle school diploma.

“I have always been curious in life and I consider myself quite cultured,” comments the new graduate, “but, unfortunately, I lacked the so-called ‘piece of paper’ that I have obtained today in an environment that has welcomed me with great affection and serenity.”

Marianna, originally from Canosa di Puglia, arrived in Benevento in 1950 after marrying a Samnite. In her youth, her father, having noticed the fervent and curious spirit of her daughter who achieved brilliant results in all school subjects, had promised to let her continue her studies.

However, the war and some unpleasant family vicissitudes upset the plans, forcing her to stop at the fifth grade. Over the years, she nevertheless obtained a ‘cutting and sewing’ diploma and, having become a mother, she followed the academic progress of her children with passion and zeal.

With an insatiable thirst for learning and aware of the power of knowledge, she has carefully devoted herself to the education of her loved ones.

“Mrs. Anna,” adds the headmistress Antonella Gramazio, “represents a precious point of reference and a stimulating source of inspiration for teachers and students, as well as a figure of charm, sympathy and refinement with her distinctive way of relating, expressing herself and smiling.”

Mrs. Marianna has no intention of stopping here: all the staff of the CPIA of Benevento are waiting for her in September for a further training course (second teaching period) because, even for the high school diploma, it is never too late.

(the photo is from

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