Sassari, the flight of concert organizers to other shores

The interview with Barbara Vargiu of Le Ragazze Terribili: the lack of dialogue with the Municipality of Sassari and the move of the Abbabula Festival to Alghero

The Terrible Girls is the all-female cultural enterprise from Sassari, which has been involved in concerts and events in Sardinia for over 35 years. Among the many events organized, the Abbabula Festival, scheduled in Alghero. The organizer is guest of La Strambata Barbara Vargiu, to talk about the state of health of culture in Sassari.

The Abbabula Festival – Photo L’Unione Sarda

Barbara Vargiu: “After the pandemic, Sassari did not restart”

The state of health of Sassari culture is moribund, as Barbara Vargiu explained to Radiolina: “We come from five years of suffering and we need a booster to cheer us up.” After the pandemic, the public regained its spaces under the stages. Despite this, Barbara Vargiu has not seen the restart of her city. The lack of dialogue with local administrations has led the Terrible Girls to move to other shores: “It’s not just an economic issue.”

Sassari: the lack of dialogue with concert organizers

Organizations work as if they were construction sites and need support and support from institutions: “There was a lack of listening and dialogue in Sassari”. For this reason too the Abbabula Festival, organized by Barbara Vargiu’s organization, has moved from Sassari to Alghero. The Terrible Girls have decided to move their business to Alghero, due to the lack of dialogue with the municipality of Sassari and the availability of the Catalan city: “A beautiful dialogue was born with the Alghero Foundation and the Municipality of Alghero and we moved the programming”, explained Barbara Vargiu.

As regards spaces for culture, according to the organizer of Le Ragazze Terribili, Sassari is an anomaly compared to the regional picture: “We have several large, important theaters.” However, there is a lack of outdoor spaces: “We would need an arena to host major events for serious programming.” According to Barbara Vargiu, Sassari has all it takes to become a center for major events and must have the ability to reopen.

Interview by Egidiangela Sechi
The Jibe of 04-06-2024

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