“4 years of true passion, thank you”

Giusy De Marco is also among the releases of the Molfetta Women’s Association. This is his farewell message to the club with which he achieved excellent results in the championship and the satisfaction of being called up to the blue team.

“My journey together with the Molfetta Women’s Association ends here. With great difficulty I announce my departure from Molfetta, after 4 years of attachment and passion towards this shirt and city. I would like to thank every member of the club, the staff and all my teammates, who sweated, suffered and rejoiced together with me. Aware of having given everything for this shirt and for the people of Molfetta, who welcomed me with open arms upon my arrival and who, I am sure, will understand my departure today. They were up-and-down years, as with any life path, and this is what allowed me to grow personally and professionally. It is precisely the desire to continually grow that leads me towards new horizons, because growth involves change. The future is uncertain and certainly difficult, despite this I am sure that I will always have a place to return to, because Molfetta will always have its space in my heart.

Thanks again Molfetta.

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