REGGIO – The conference “Sport and training for the realization of a dream”

REGGIO – The conference “Sport and training for the realization of a dream”
REGGIO – The conference “Sport and training for the realization of a dream”

Tomorrow afternoon, in Reggio, at 6pm, at the Hotel Torrione, the meeting-debate will be held Sport and training for the realization of a dreamorganized by International Award “Marco & Alberto Ippolito” in collaboration with Asi – Italian Social Sports Association.

In addition to the President of the International Award “Marco & Alberto Ippolito” Prof. Natina Cristiano and to Prof. Paola Radici Colaceformer professor of Classical Philology at Unime who will illustrate the basic report, the initiative will be attended by the Regional President of CONI, Maurizio Condipoderothe Regional President of Asi Giuseppe Melissathe President of the Panathlon of Reggio Calabria Irene Pignatathe Regional President Cip Antonello Scagliola; two flags of Reggio Calabria and national football will bear their testimony as sporting personalities Francis Mussel e Francesco Marinothe Paralympic athlete Irene Esabotini and the decathlete Riccardo Lavino. The meeting, coordinated by the Vice President of the ASI National Council, Joseph Aglianowill see the conclusions of the General Secretary of ASI, Achilles Seven.

The Award, whose President is Professor Natina Cristiano Ippolito, was created in memory of her sons, two young people from Reggio who loved art and literature, thanks also to the decisive contribution of the professor Leo Pangallo.

The project, in which Italian and European schools, universities and institutions participate in a synergic relationship, was born from the desire to found an agora in which young people from different nations can meet and debate issues related to their existential condition, to the political-social situation of the global village, that is, the world that is constantly before our eyes. To this end, following a gradual process, every school year the young people create a didactic-sociological path regarding their adolescent condition and their relationship with the family, with the school and with society.

Each theme is understood in its broadest meaning, as a coagulant, or rather as “value to cultivate”essential for proper civic coexistence, to affirm the principles and values ​​of democracy, solidarity and friendship.

To give it more impact, each edition of the Award offers young people, today almost devoid of positive references in the sea magnum of deprivation of moral and ethical principles, some personalities as examples of professionalism who have distinguished themselves for excellence in their fields, and even more for honest perseverance in following their passion, without neglecting the human inspiration that makes each person Unique.

The presentation of the awards for the 2024 edition took place in Genoa, the European city of sport, from 15 to 19 May and obviously had sport as its theme. A challenge for young people but also a healthy form of aggregation, a fundamental element to guarantee the health and psychophysical well-being of every individual of all ages. Sport contributes to the development of character and personality and, therefore, is a powerful means for physical and mental development. Through playing sports, our young people learn the value of perseverance, integrity, humility and develop ithe sense of team play, the sense of belonging, healthy competition, respect for the rules, the ability to accept defeat, respect for the opponent. (rrc)

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