Ancona, stopped by police: 44-year-old curses them

Ancona, stopped by the police: 44 year old curses them. Road safety is a fundamental element in any city. You must always respect the rules so as not to pose a danger to yourself, other cars and pedestrians. Highwaymen, however, never fail. Let’s see what happened in Falconara Marittima:

In Falconara Marittima, 4 years ago, a man was allegedly stopped by local police officers. This is because it seems he was not respecting the road signs in any way. Yesterday, the 44-year-old was apparently sentenced to 7 months in prison for resisting a public official. Here are all the details about what happened:

Ancona, stopped by the police: here are the reasons and the reaction of the 44 year old

According to the first reconstructions of the case, it seems that the setting for this event is the city of Falconara Marittima, in the province of Ancona. The facts seem to date back to 13 June 2020, 4 years ago. But the man appears to have been sentenced yesterday, 03 June 2024, to seven months in prison. The conviction would have come due to resistance to a public official. Going into detail, it seems that the man was driving his car and that the police had already been observing him for a long time. This is because the officers would have noticed ambiguous attitudes while driving.

Based on the information found, it seems that the man was not respecting any road signs: prohibitions, stops, priority. It would have been a real danger for car and pedestrian traffic, but not only that. The urban police officers would therefore have carried out a checkpoint. The man, a 44-year-old man of Moroccan origins, immediately appeared to be uncooperative and aggressive. In fact, it seems that he offended the officers with various insults and wished them the worst evils. These appear to have been the words he uttered: >. And then, again: >.

For these reasons, the 44-year-old appears to have ended up on trial before judge Tiziana Fancello. He apparently was defended by the lawyer Marco Flavio Torelli and received a 7-month sentence. The latter was apparently motivated by the fact that when the officers asked him for the documents, the man apparently resisted. He seems to have approached in an aggressive manner and started making insults and insults. At that point the officers apparently had to interrupt the practice to request further reinforcements. According to what was said, the man would not have calmed down even with the other officers.

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