Region, the public notice “Kaire Calabria” and the call for support for female entrepreneurship presented

June 20, 2024 2.31pm


“The objective of creating employment in Calabria continues. Today we do this by presenting these two new notices: one is the ‘Kaire Calabria’ notice and then there is the Notice on the Fund to support female entrepreneurship”. The intentions of the‘Regional Councilor for Work and Professional Training, Giovanni Calabresewho this morning presented these two important measures at a press conference held in Catanzaro at the museum area of ​​the regional Citadel.


The presentation of the two measures saw the participation, in the meeting with the press, not only of councilor Giovanni Calabrese, as the following were also present: the President of Unindustria Calabria, Aldo Ferrara; the General Director of the Labor Department, Fortunato Varone; the Regional President of Federalberghi Fabrizio D’Agostinowho made a point of welcoming the initiative.


“The ‘Kaire Calabria’ notice had already been formulated last year, albeit late compared to the season” – continued Councilor Calabrese – “Among other things, it is the first notice that affects the 2021-2027 programming , and it is a notice that aims to create both fixed-term and permanent employment, and therefore seasonal work in the tourism sector. This is the most important sector that we have, in our opinion, in Calabria: therefore we are focusing, and will focus a lot, on create employment in the tourism sector. We are awaiting a response, hopefully positive this year, from the companies: we have involved all the trade associations in the sector, and we are convinced that through synergy and discussion we can use in the best possible way the many resources we have available today to create jobs in Calabria.


The truth is another” – continued the Regional Councilor for Work and Professional Training – “Every year 10,000 people leave Calabria due to lack of real work, quality work, and we must reverse the trend, we must create these conditions through, precisely, the use of these important resources, if we truly want to create a different Calabria. So, on the one hand we have the fight against precarious employment, which represents something worrying today: the Tis basin (Social Inclusion Trainees ed.), the Abraham dispute and the other disputes we have… I repeat what I have always said: bad choices of the past, and today we are paying the consequences. We must resolve those, and not create more precarious employment in Calabria. We must solve the problem by creating real employment, and this is what we are trying to do with the regional government through these important notices, which are the first of a long series of notices that we are putting in place through an employment plan that we will launch in the coming weeks” . Asked to give his impression regarding the phenomenon of undeclared work, the councilor added: “We continue to fight on this aspect. We are also trying to implement a measure to convince companies that illegal and undeclared work are not a solution. Indeed, they harm the Calabrians and are the greatest critical issue we have today. Today, more than lack of employment and unemployment, we have a lot of undeclared work and illegal work in Calabria. It is a responsibility on the part of companies to hire people and not let them run away, with a real employment contract. This is what we are trying to do, and we cannot do it alone: ​​the Region creates the conditions, the companies could hire. This is what this synergy is needed, and therefore today we have here at the table the representative of Unindustria who represents all the trade associations”.


For his part, the President of Unindustria Calabria, Aldo Ferrara, highlighted how the provision for the tourism sector “is a re-proposal of a call for tenders, which, in my opinion, manages to capture two aspects of fundamental importance: one is that of try to push employment. We know that the Bank of Italy data has recorded an increase in employment, and therefore the path taken is the right one. And I believe that supporting employment, above all in a sector, in a supply chain, in a sector that is strategic and vocational for our Region, and which above all also represents a business card for Calabria, is absolutely important. Therefore everything related to tourism must be strengthened and enhanced. Furthermore, such an action also means qualifying tourism, because it gives stability to the staff, and therefore a greater quality of service. At the same time” – continued Aldo Ferrara – “I believe that the initiative on self-employment and female entrepreneurship is also very important. We know what the trajectories of Europe and our country are: they look at reducing gaps, including gender gaps, as well as territorial and generational ones. I believe that our system, our Region, can also encourage women’s vocation for self-entrepreneurship. There are positive and virtuous examples from this point of view, and I believe that we must push on these trajectories, together also, obviously, with giving young people prospects because, as I said before, the data from the Bank of Italy encourages along this path” . Pressed to give his own opinion on the fight against illegal work and underpaid work, the President of Unindustria Calabria stated: “Obviously a measure of this kind also serves to bring out, or at least fight, so-called irregular work. And giving this incentive, through a contribution that is substantial and also substantial, I think is a consistent way to encourage companies to hire and also a way for workers to have a prospect of stability and motivation to do their job in the way improve”.

Finally, Fortunato Varone, General Director of the Labor Department, underlined how the “Kaire Calabria” notice, although it was born some time ago, in his opinion should be “publicized more with companies in the tourism sector, because it is a excellent opportunity especially for new workers, who may be unemployed and can be hired. There is a 50% reduction, and 75% for people with disabilities, and therefore it becomes an excellent opportunity to potentially eliminate illegal work”. As regards the Call for female entrepreneurship, Fortunato Varone highlighted how this is “a process that is closing, because a first phase was carried out where, with the course ‘Yes I start up Women Calabria’ promoted by the Region together at the National Microcredit Authority, almost 300 people were trained to be able to form businesses, and therefore constitute the next step to give these people the opportunity to present a project to activate new women’s businesses”.

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