In Potenza, young people in difficult conditions are ready to give their all to represent Basilicata at these Interregional Finals! Good luck

In Potenza, young people in difficult conditions are ready to give their all to represent Basilicata at these Interregional Finals! Good luck
In Potenza, young people in difficult conditions are ready to give their all to represent Basilicata at these Interregional Finals! Good luck

A Sunday dedicated to sport and inclusion awaits the city of Potenza from 5pm until 8pm on 30 June 2024.

At the Federal camp, the final phase of the SGS FIGC Basilicata Network Project tournament, an extraordinary initiative which aims to encourage thesocial integration of unaccompanied minors and refugees hosted in the various Lucanian centers of the SPRAR and SAI system.

The Network project, an integral part of the social activities of the Youth and School Sector (SGS) of the FIGC, stands out for its commitment to the development of sporting initiatives that promote inclusion.

Not just a field, therefore, but a hotbed of dreams and hopes where kids learn the art of football while refining the principles of integration.

Over the last few months, in fact, they have been numerous young people in conditions of hardship and marginalization involved in training sessions and matches under the expert guidance of the Federation coaches.

In Basilicata, 16 centers have joined the projectwelcoming these kids in accommodation communities, family homes and reception facilities located in Lavello, Rionero, Ripacandida, Pescopagano, Ferrandina, Salandra, Irsina, Gregolane, Tursi, Policoro, San Severino Lucano, Rivello, Missanello, Gallicchio, Sant’Arcangelo and San Chirico Raparo.

These centers have worked tirelessly to offer young people a safe and stimulating environment, where football becomes a vehicle for personal and collective growth.

The teams were divided into four territorial groupswith the winners ready to challenge each other on the final day which includes two semi-finals and a thrilling final.

The team that emerges victorious will represent Basilicata at the Interregional Finalsbringing with it not only sporting prestige, but also a powerful message of inclusion and hope.

The Coordinator of the SGS FIGC Basilicata, Professor Francesco Iasi, guaranteed the presence of highly qualified technicians and provided the various centers with balls and uniforms with the Italy logo.

IASI explains:

“Our final objective is to carry out activities not only of a technical nature, but above all educational, using football as a tool to promote processes of integration and social inclusion”.

Launched in 2015 on a national scale thanks to the collaboration between SGS FIGC, the Ministry of the Interior and ANCI, the Network Project has established itself as a real flagship for Basilicata, thanks to the large number of kids involved over the years.

On Sunday, in addition to the SGS Basilicata Coordinator and his staff, and the regional manager of the Network Project Pasquale Carella, all the components of Lucanian football will be present: FIGC, LND, AIAC, AIA and ADISE.

Their presence testifies to the support and shared commitment in promoting the values ​​of sport as a means of inclusion and social development.

Sunday’s tournament will be much more than just a sporting competition: it will be a celebration of the resilience, talent and hope of young refugees, an event that reminds us how sport can break down barriers and build a better future for everyone.

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