The workers of the integrated water service “Hermes” move to Sorical

REGGIO CALABRIA «Since 3 June twenty-three workers from Hermes Servizi Metropolitani, an in-house company of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria, pass to Sorical. In recent days, the signing of the workers’ contract took place at the Sorical headquarters.” This was reported in a note from the Municipality of Reggio. «The workers, identified by a timely reconnaissance by Arrical – it is said in the note – are among those in Hermes who dealt with the customer management of the integrated water service. The implementation agreement was signed in the presence of the unions and with the assistance of An industry Calabria, between the top management of the two companies (Cataldo Calabretta and Giovanni Paolo Marati for Sorical and Giuseppe Mazzotta and Antonella Vitaresi for Hermes Servizi Metropolitani) and the deputy mayor of the Municipality of Reggio, Paolo Brunetti”. «After the transfer of Castore employees – states Cataldo Calabretta, sole director of Sorical – the implementation process of the water service in the largest city of Calabria. Our objective is to improve the service to users, we are comforted by the analysis data which indicates a clear improvement in the quality of the water resource, it is a sign of change, we are only at the beginning”. «In Reggio – explains the general director Giovanni Paolo Marati – we are building the future of Calabria’s water service, a model that we will bring to the entire regional territory. Completely digitalized water network, from sources to end users, billing based on real consumption and users’ ability to interact with our offices through mysorical, the web application that will act as an interface between our offices and users. The staff who have moved to Sorical di Castore and Hermes will be strategic in this process». For the mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà «Sorical acquires competent and qualified professionals, which in recent years have represented a point of reference for the development of the service sector. We thank the Hermes workers for the fundamental contribution offered to the city’s in-house company over all these years and wish them the achievement of the best objectives, thanks to the great experience gained which, now, will support a regional level company, while remaining in same context, built in recent years thanks to their extraordinary work, of services aimed at the Reggio community”.

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