the day of the first visit to Castel Volturno dawns

the day of the first visit to Castel Volturno dawns
the day of the first visit to Castel Volturno dawns

Napoli is ever closer to hiring Antonio Conte as their next coach, with the date of the first visit to Castel Volturno also set.

There’s very little time left until he’s hired Antonio Conte as the next coach of Naples. President De Laurentiis he returned to Italy a few days ago, after a short holiday in Ibiza with his family, and now awaits the coach in Rome, with which he will formalize the agreement reached a few days ago. The respective lawyers have already approved the contracts, Conte will arrive at the Filmauro headquarters tomorrow and will sign the agreement that will bind him to Napoli for the next three sporting seasons.

Signing the contract and visiting Castel Volturno on Thursday is Conte’s program at Napoli

After that the technician will head to Naples, where he will have his first real contact with the reality that awaits him in the next season. In fact, according to what is reported in today’s edition of The morning, Antonio Conte will be in Castel Volturno on Thursday visiting the Napoli Training Center. Here is what is highlighted:

“It matters little to them that the facility has been closed for a few days because he needs to set up a room for lunch because his workouts are long, very long and sometimes they can start in the morning and continue into the afternoon. But Conte wants to enter the Napoli world on tiptoe, let’s be clear: he knows that the technical center is not like Appiano Gentile or Cobham but he doesn’t care. He will adapt because he is not someone who throws tantrums like children. Napoli wanted Conte but Conte also, let’s be clear, wanted Napoli. At all costs”.

So one is expected Conte’s first visit to Castel Volturno, where the club’s facilities will be viewed. A first approach to understanding how to organize work in the next season. It is probable that President De Laurentiis could accompany him, as a good host.

Antonio Conte, the next Napoli coach will visit the Castel Volturno Training Center – ANSA –

In the end the date for presentation to the press will be defined and more generally to the Azzurri fans. Now that the hypothesis of a presentation at the Reale Teatro San Carlo has almost completely disappeared, two other hypotheses remain: the Palazzo Reale or even the Diego Armando Maradona stadium, with what could be a first embrace with the facility that will be the home of Conte’s Napoli for the next seasons. For now only hypotheses, but in the meantime the enthusiasm in the city is already rising and all the fans can’t wait to be able to give their warm welcome to Antonio Conte.

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