Manfredonia. Former ASE workers, letter to the unions. “Here’s what we ask”

Manfredonia. Former ASE workers, letter to the unions. “Here’s what we ask”
Manfredonia. Former ASE workers, letter to the unions. “Here’s what we ask”

We receive and publish


Dear CGIL, CISL, UIL unions

as you can read, the request for a meeting between US “ex-employees parked after 11 months and 2 weeks of work” and the company ASE SpA with its maximum represent Mr. Marcello Dr. DANISI, is still not accepted. I would like to point out that many things have changed in these 4 months, among the first as you will have learned from the media, the Board of Directors of the ASE company in Manfredonia was removed and on the orders of the prefectural commissioner Rachele Dr. Grandolfo in his place, the aforementioned Dr. Danisi was appointed sole director.

The 12 J winners became 1B

This is very important news, the Municipality of Manfredonia has granted the ASE spa company a “service agreement” of 2 years.

Angelo Ricucci, before the discovery of the “Hands off” investigation which began with the arrest of two subjects (a former employee and a “father and son” employee of the aforementioned company) and who have now been removed, declared by telephone: “The company could resort to temporary hiring until it has an annual service agreement”, well the company has obtained it and what is more shocking is that it is going against the same notice, in fact on page 11 of the public selection notice we read : “The ranking produced by the selection will be scrolled, in relation to the company needs, without prejudice to the fact that if a candidate accepts the fixed-term hiring and subsequently the need arises to proceed with the permanent hiring, the The company is obliged to proceed, in compliance with the right of precedence, according to the original classification order of the ranking even if the person entitled is temporarily employed on a fixed-term basis”.

From a careful analysis reported in the article called “citizen outburst” published in the newspaper Stato Quotidiano and from the contracts that we employees hold and which can be obtained from the company by requesting access to the documents, it is clear that the company hires personnel on a fixed-term basis all year round precisely because there is a shortage of staff and furthermore the unit, first suspended and later fired, has not been replaced with a new permanent hire, bearing in mind that other units will soon retire.

We continue to ask for meetings before proceeding legally by any means hoping that this news can benefit the Court of Auditors on any shortcomings such as training further units to be hired on a fixed-term basis, when there are units already trained and ready to work on a permanent basis and therefore be able to receive state benefits for such hiring… we leave you free reflections

Sincerely, former ASE workers

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