Cardiological visit denied to a disabled patient in Catanzaro, Miserendino: «Many facilities available»

Cardiological visit denied to a disabled patient in Catanzaro, Miserendino: «Many facilities available»
Cardiological visit denied to a disabled patient in Catanzaro, Miserendino: «Many facilities available»

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The clarification of the extraordinary commissioner of Azienda Zero on a note released by Codacons

Published on: 06/03/2024 – 11.03pm

CATANZARO «Regarding a note with which Codacons denounces the alleged case of an elderly, disabled and seriously ill patient, who was allegedly denied the possibility of booking an urgent cardiological visit in a short time, a clarification must be made. The patient in question has a dematerialized prescription with a specialist outpatient service in class B (short, services to be performed within 10 days). The service, although not available at the “Pugliese Ciaccio” in Catanzaro, the requested structure, can however be provided on 5 June at other structures, including the PST of Nocera Terinese, the Soveria Mannelli Hospital, the of Lamezia Terme and the PST of Maida”. This is what Gandolfo Miserendino, extraordinary commissioner of Azienda Zero, states in a note.


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