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Giovanni Cimatti’s 107th birthday celebrated

Giovanni Cimatti’s 107th birthday celebrated
Giovanni Cimatti’s 107th birthday celebrated

Another special day for the Fiamme Gialle of Forlì-Cesena, who after the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Corps celebrated another important birthday: the 107th birthday of the retired corporal Giovanni Cimatti. For this reason, the provincial commander of the Guardia di Finanza, Colonel Vito Pulieri, accompanied by President Mariano Fenu, Vice President Ennio D’Urbano and a delegation from the Forlì Section of the National Association of Italian Financiers, met him in his home in Forlì to bring him the best wishes of all the financiers in service and on leave in the province of Forlì-Cesena.

As always in excellent form, the grandfather of all the Fiamme Gialle of Emilia-Romagna happily welcomed his financier friends, with whom he toasted the two extraordinary ultra-centenary events, remembering with them some of the stages of his exceptional life journey. Born in Forlì on 30 June 1917, Cimatti – awarded a silver medal as a “Prisoner of War” – joined the Guardia di Finanza at just under twenty years old and was assigned to the Milan Legion. During the Second World War, he directly witnessed the suffering of war and took part in war operations when he was sent to the Tirana Legion in 1941; in May 1943, he was captured by German troops and deported to Germany, where he was freed on 12 September 1945. After returning to Italy, he was assigned to the Bologna Legion, but due to illnesses contracted during detention, he was discharged .

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