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In Castel del Giudice the future is being written to re-inhabit small towns

A weekend of meetings and discussions, but above all of concrete proposals for the sustainable future of small municipalities.

May 31st and June 1st 2024 the Municipality of Castel del Giudice (IS) was the protagonist of “Wanting Italy well”, Legambiente national event now in its 20th edition, from the title “Generating the Future. Address the demographic crisis, the climate crisis, the economic marginality of small municipalities to guarantee the future”which saw institutional representatives, university professors, representatives of the territory and of Legambiente engage in working tables in the spaces of the Borgotufi widespread hotel on themes of re-inhabiting and regenerating villages; culture and tourism; Green Economy. Create jobs with innovative solutions to attract new inhabitants. Proposals in line with the project “Castel del Giudice (Re)Generation Center of the Apennines”with which the Municipality of Castel del Giudice won the PNRR Borghi Call.

«The future of the country passes through small municipalities. We must give value to the economic potential of our territory, aiming for cultural and environmental resources. Implement an economic model for internal areas from a sustainable perspective and in line with the 2030 Agenda. It is no longer enough to retain inhabitants, it is necessary to attract new ones”he underlined the mayor of Castel del Giudice Lino Gentile, during the final symposium moderated by the president of Legambiente Molise Andrea De Marco. The mayor brought to attention some examples relating to the projects underway for the regeneration of the town. Between these, enhance unused real estate capital (it would be enough to recover 10% of the abandoned real estate to change the fate of the country). Investing in social development and community welfarewhich become an attraction for single people living in the city, with homes for non-self-sufficient people in protected contexts and with health services; in sustainable agriculture and renewable energy. In Castel del Giudice the Energy Community, which will make the entire village 100% renewable. As illustrated by Prof. Livio De Santolivice-rector for sustainability of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” during the “energy walk” at the end of the conference, Electricity, but also thermal energy will be produced in the town through biomass, which will distribute hot water. Furthermore, a laboratory will be created for the production of green hydrogen, which will illuminate the village. A great innovation, with new technologies, which is estimated to create several jobs in the area.

Alessandra Bonfanti responsible for Small Municipalities for Legambiente illustrated the results of the working tables on the topic of culture and tourism. Among the proposals that emerged: create accessibility with integrated mobility services; build value, one brand identity of the villages by creating inclusion and dialogue with the local community, creating tourism open to the reality of the inhabitants; bring innovation by focusing on the best skills of operators who know how to generate dynamic services and design a new contemporary folklore. Living in small towns, but in a modern dimension.

The professor of the economics department of the University of Molise Maria B. Forleo explained what emerged on the topic of the Green Economy, on how the renewable energy communities and community cooperatives they can be tools to combat the climate crisis, but also tools of cultural value that can positively change the territory. The strategic way of obtaining financing through tenders, but also private individuals, crowdfunding is also fundamental, inserting the resources into a broader territorial logic.

Sandro Polci of the scientific committee of Legambiente returned to the audience the results of the working tables on depopulation and opportunities to re-inhabit the villages: focus on agriculture, reforestation, resilience of the forest, the use of the forest heritage involving specialists; create residences for the elderly who provide work; to attract workers who do smart working; devise structures that can be used to host new modern identities.

The general director of Legambiente closed the proceedings Giorgio Zampetti and the environmental councilor of the Molise Region Andrea Di Lucente, who underlined how Castel del Giudice is a valid example of planning to follow and the need to establish a planning school for Molise administrators. Also present, among others, was the president of the Province of Isernia Daniele Saia, who emphasized a vision of the territory to combat depopulation and attract new inhabitants, speaking about the projects underway for the Green Community in Alto Molise, and the importance of regenerating the villages by reactivating artisan activities and new economic opportunities.

At the end of the Legambiente eventMayor Lino Gentile signed the Pact for the Future of Small Municipalities, shared with other Italian administrators, as a commitment to indicating at all institutional levels the right responses to the specificities of small municipalities. A Pact sanctioned with the delivery of the Italian Constitution to the newly eighteen year old Alessandro Perrella.

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