Justice emergency in Reggio Calabria, “unlivable court”: all trials cancelled

Justice emergency in Reggio Calabria, “unlivable court”: all trials cancelled
Justice emergency in Reggio Calabria, “unlivable court”: all trials cancelled

No air conditioning in the courtrooms of Reggio Calabria and all hearings are cancelled. The news this morning concerns the Cedir Palace is a very current one but at the same time a long-standing problem relating to the structural and logistical deficiencies that the justice sector is forced to experience, especially in our latitudes.

And the ones who pay are always the citizens who are waiting for justice and who, instead, today have seen all the hearings postponed because the situation inside the court has become unmanageable. This is reported by the same lawyers and magistrates who Every day they experience all kinds of discomforts. But as temperatures rose, the situation would worsen.

The decision

The President of the Court Mariagrazia Arena has authorized the postponement of the hearings starting from clear requests and motivations. «Noting that this Office has received various reports of malfunctions of the air conditioning systems in the courtrooms of Palazzo Cedir which make it extremely difficult if not downright unbearable the work activity carried out incessantly in all areas of the jurisdiction, creating difficulties for legal practitioners, judicial personnel, administrative staff, lawyers and users as a whole.

Considering that an urgent technical activity is underway to resolve the problem which, however, to date has not allowed to overcome these critical issues, which are aggravated in a period in which temperatures are above 30° and some of the courtrooms, where the hearing activity takes place daily, have equipment that is not functioning in whole or in part, in any case inadequate, and are devoid of suitable openings to allow ventilation and air exchange, so much so that they become real furnaces in which it is impossible to remain for the long period foreseen for the hearings. Having heard the Section Presidents, the President of the Council of the Order the postponement of the hearings scheduled in the courtrooms with the exception of those dedicated to the handling of “non-deferrable” proceedings, pending the necessary resolution of the problems complained of and expressed at the permanent conference. The processes relating to detained defendants in which the expiry of the precautionary custody is imminent, the direct trials, urgent patrimonial measures (criminal and preventive), civil/labor precautionary procedures, evictions, ATPs pursuant to art. 696 cpc and proceedings regarding the international protection of lawyers are considered “non-deferrable”.

Correale Process

Also postponed pending a new date is the trial of former oncology chief Pierpaolo Correale and his deputy. The hearing, already postponed on May 29, due to the impediment of one of the defendants, will be rescheduled again.

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