A FEW MORE WORDS ABOUT BUFFON… » Stadio Ennio Tardini Parma

A FEW MORE WORDS ABOUT BUFFON… » Stadio Ennio Tardini Parma
A FEW MORE WORDS ABOUT BUFFON… » Stadio Ennio Tardini Parma

(Gmajo) – We said goodbye, during the night, closing the FB post by Ampollini about Buffon, because, I had to answer him about his question: are the pieces falling into place? My answer was NO, because it could not be relied on clickbait news Of Sprint & Sport (a newspaper that I respect because, at the youth sector level, I have learned to know it as particularly serious and prepared) to support that Gigi will arrive (soon) at Parma as a manager.

Obviously this does not mean that, perhaps even in the short term, the former goalkeeper could actually arrive at the court of the sovereign Krause, since we have always recognized a certain foundation to the bomb thrown by the Tardini speaker at the distant end of April, and the mute on the operation had duly fallen during theEuropeanhaving to, Gigi, honour the role of Head of Delegation – in the recent past well occupied by Gigi Riva and Gianluca Vialli – of the azzurri. But now that Italy is out of the game, even though the competition is only at the Quarter finalsthe time would be ripe to take back control of the discussion, and, figurine remedied by our standard-bearers to be decisive.

This is, essentially, the meaning that could be given to the article by Allsports on newsstands this morning which, unlike the IA product S&S of yesterday that did not have a support tore up Of in quotation marksor context, makes it clear, even without reporting the words, that at least a couple of informal chats with the interested party could have been exchanged. After all, the piece in question is “dated” Dusseldorf and the envoy (who we assume to be the same Stefano Salandin who signs theopening on Gravina’s failed resignation) could have collected, off the recordBuffon’s willingness to reflect on whether or not to continue with the experience he has undertaken (since “he didn’t like the way the defeat against Switzerland happened”). Or, indeed, start another one. As a manager. But of Parma or Juve? Because, I’ll be malicious, but this attention and care of the subalpine daily life for him is a bit suspect.

In the hours immediately following the disaster, Buffon had placed the burden of speaking on others (“I don’t speak, I hope someone else does”), even if as the head of the delegation one could probably expect him to show his face too, since the lightning rod is one of the main tasks of the position; then, in a video of Gazzetta.it recorded upon the arrival of the group at Malpensa, it was questioned: “In my role, I too may have disappointed expectations a little and each of us rightly takes responsibility for the case.” These statements suggest that he is indeed considering leaving his federal office, even if, as he underlines, Allsports, in the text, while the title remains a bit ambiguous, even with the condom of the question mark: “the resignation is not on the table of the federal president”.

Gianluca Di Marzio also spoke about the topic during the night, on Skyin the Calciomercato broadcast: “There were rumors about Buffon’s possible resignation: that’s not the case. With a great sense of responsibility today Buffon, as head of delegation, asked to take stock with the federation to evaluate what are, if any, the conditions to continue, to look to the future and to renew the project. A gesture that in any case underlines Gigi Buffon’s sense of responsibility and love for the national team”.

This morning, however, the same satellite, on social media, does not hesitate to push on the accelerator, because, above the words just quoted by Di Marzio (born, if you listen carefully, as a denial of what was released yesterday on the subject) it posted an unequivocal graphic in capital letters: “Buffon resigns his mandate” e “he asks for a meeting with the FIGC to evaluate the future of the blue project and its position”.

So, for Gigi, the time has come so: after having clarified with the FIGC he will understand whether to continue that experience, or accept, as Ampollini has been telling us for months, the courtship of KK for Parma, but I repeat, I would not exclude the Juventus solution, where, as with Nedved in the past, he could at least take driving lessons, something that would be more difficult at the moment in Parma, given that Federico Cherubini has not arrived, with whom he could have formed an important pair. Inserting Buffon today, with the season already started, in the current context could be counterproductive for both parties. Also because, beyond the rich emolument he could receive (in contrast with the spending review who seems to dominate the various areas of the club, until proven otherwise) Gigi has stressed how he wants an operational role and not as an ambassador. In short, field duties and not desk or representation, even if showing up in Lega Serie A with someone like him could be important for Parma… Gabriel Mayo

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