11:40:24 Friday, July 5, at 11 am, in the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Caserta, an event will be held, organized by Anci Campania, in collaboration with the Municipality, during which the production of the documentary film “Return to Tora” will announce an incredible discovery that occurred during the last shooting of this documentary film by Luca Gianfrancesco, which reconstructs the events linked to the episodes that occurred between 1942 and 1943, which saw the population of Tora, a small village in the Alto Casertano area, as protagonists.

The courage and solidarity of the population allowed about sixty Neapolitan Jews to survive the discrimination of the fascist racial laws and, subsequently, to escape Nazi persecution.

The film’s structure includes the story of a mysterious plane that disappeared in the skies of Tora and Piccilli in the autumn of 1943 and its pilot. Recently, in a field just outside the town centre, during the filming of a scene in the film, a fragment of the wreckage of an American plane was found.

This episode started a series of research supported by researchers from the Historicus Museum of Caspoli di Mignano Montelungo and the Combat Road Museum of Filignano (Isernia), as well as the AircrashPo group of Soresina (Cremona).

With the scientific contribution of historians Giovanni Cerchia and Giuseppe Angelone, it was possible to reconstruct this further episode of courage on the part of the population of Tora and Piccilli and the resident Jews, who committed themselves to saving the pilot of the American plane.

All these elements will enrich the story of the documentary film “Ritorno a Tora” by Luca Gianfrancesco, helping to dismantle the now outdated paradigm that sees the Resistance as a phenomenon attributable only to central-northern Italy.

At the meeting, coordinated by the professor Lucy Monacothe Mayor of Caserta and the President of Anci Campania will participate, Charles Marinothe Mayor of Tora and Piccilli, Vincent D’Agostinothe Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Caserta, Enzo Battarrathe President of the Mountain Community “Monte Santa Croce”, Frank Leporeand the President of the Roccamonfina Park – Foce del Garigliano, Adolfo De Petra.

The director of “Ritorno a Tora” is also expected to speak, Luke Gianfrancesco and historians John Circle e Joseph Angelone. At the end, there will be space for a debate, which will close the event.

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