Art Fair 2025 in Bologna. News and previews

Art Fair 2025 in Bologna. News and previews
Art Fair 2025 in Bologna. News and previews

It celebrated its first 50 years of activity in 2024 Art Fair in Bologna, the first of the Italian exhibitions dedicated to modern and contemporary art established in 1974 and since 2018 directed by Simone Menegoi (then with Enea Righi). And after an edition that celebrated its history with great returns, including the Apalazzo Gallery, Laveronica, Lia Rumma, Lorenzelli Arte, Franco Noero, Ronchini and Sprovieri galleries, it is preparing for 2025 – from 7 to 9 February in the historic pavilions 25 and 26 – with new sections and a special hospitality program for foreign curators and museum directors.

Arte Fiera 2025. New sections and special projects in Bologna

Arte Fiera is historically a privileged place to explore the Italian art scene. Its ambition for the near future is to represent it better and better, in a more detailed way, with greater attention than before to innovations. And to do it not only for the Italian public, who knows and loves the fair, but also for foreign audiences”, say the management, presenting the two main innovations of the 2025 edition: the first is Prospecta new section exclusively by invitation reserved for galleries and research artists, designed to increasingly broaden the emerging proposal of the exhibition curated by Michele D’Aurizio (curator and art historian who lives between Italy and the United States); to which it is added a special hospitality program aimed at foreign curators and museum directors, for the internationalization of the fair. But it doesn’t end here, even thegraphic identity, which for the third consecutive year is curated by the LeftLoft studio, will undergo a striking renovation, while remaining faithful to the iconic red circle. This, in fact, for the first time will become three-dimensional and will rotate in space, while the palette will be characterized by “unexpected pop colours, a way to immediately underline the desire to explore new territories and to represent even better that contradictory and fascinating universe that is Italian art”, they continue.

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Arte Fiera 2025. The third year of the new management course in Bologna

It has been defined as anew course” the one undertaken by Simone Menegoi who he appointed chief operating officer Enea Righi, collector and curator, with whom he is preparing to inaugurate the third edition together. Among Righi’s choices is that of returning to exhibit in historic pavilions 25 and 26, an important investment in communication, services and reception of collectors. Furthermore, collaboration with is always active ANGAMCthe National Association of Modern and Contemporary Art Galleries, with which the fair “has opened a permanent discussion table”.

Arte Fiera 2025. Sections and curators in Bologna

However, the main section – between historicized and contemporary art – is reconfirmed, Photography and moving images (edited by Gian Gavino Pazzola for the third consecutive year), Painting XXI (edited by Davide Ferri since its debut) and Multipli (for the second year entrusted to Alberto Salvadori). And alongside these curated and invited ones, it returns Pathan itinerary that connects some stands of the various sections according to a thematic criterion: after two years dedicated to artistic languages ​​(ceramics in 2023 and drawing in 2024), the theme of 2025 is linked to the contents of the works and in particular to the idea of ​​community .

Caterina Angelucci

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