Goodbye to Massimiliano Azzini, the ‘amateur’ eye of sport in Northern Milan

«Good morning Nicolò. I’m still Massimiliano Azzini, I sent you photos of the Cusano National Tennis tournament and the Giro d’Italia stage here in Cinisello. I wanted to let you know about another very beautiful and interesting initiative. It would be nice to highlight it in Il Gazzettino Metropolitano.”

Around mid-September of each year, a message of this kind always arrived in the editorial office from Massimiliano Azzini. A free and dispassionate invitation to send us every year the photos he took at the National Tennis Tournament organized by Sporting Milanino, but not only. On Sunday 2 June, at the end of a short illness, Massimiliano Azzini passed away suddenly, at the age of 52.

«He was the friend that everyone would have liked to have, friendly, generous, courteous and always available – remembers Armando Scozzesi, the ‘go-between’ who had put the editorial staff of the Gazzettino Metropolitano and Massimiliano Azzini in contact for the first time -. We will miss him greatly. We will be able to say our final goodbyes tomorrow Tuesday 4 June at 4pm at the parish church of Sant’Ambrogio in Cinisello Balsamo in Piazza Gramsci. Our deepest condolences to his wife and children. Massimiliano was a great husband and a great father. Bye Max, have a good trip.”

«Sporting Milanino expresses its deepest condolences to the family of Massimiliano Azzini, tennis player in the adult course and father of Francesco and Riccardo, students who have attended our tennis school for years. Max, you will always be in our hearts.” they recalled from the Cusano Milanino club.

Massimiliano with his ‘amateur’ eye told the beauty of sport in Northern Milan, with the sole desire to share his passion with as many people as possible. When the photos of the Giro d’Italia came out in the paper Gazzettino Metropolitano on 4 June 2021, he wrote to us happily thanking us for the opportunity, assuring us that he had already made the rounds of all the distribution points in Cinisello Balsamo to collect as many copies as possible. But it is the editorial team of the Gazzettino Metropolitano that today, once again, thanks him for wanting to share your passion with us and with all our readers, bringing us to experience some of the most important sporting events in Northern Milan up close. That message will be missing next September, but we are certain that all those shots given over the years will forever continue to tell the beauty of sport to those who come into contact with it. Just as, for those of us who knew him, his kindness and incredible availability will remain forever imprinted.

The deepest condolences of the entire editorial staff of the Gazzettino Metropolitano go to the friends and family of Massimiliano Azzini.

The page of June 4, 2021
with photos by Massimiliano Azzini
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