Tradition and Mastery in the Heart of Calabria –

Tiriolo, a small village perched in the mountains of Calabria, preserves one of the most fascinating and precious artisan traditions of the region: the Vancali. These fine shawls represent not only an element of clothing, but also a symbol of cultural and historical identity. But how did this tradition originate and how is it kept alive today?

The Origins of the Vancali – The history of the Vancali di Tiriolo has its roots in ancient times, when manual weaving was a widespread practice throughout Calabria. In particular, the vancale is a type of shawl made with traditional techniques that date back centuries. The art of weaving was passed down from generation to generation, with each family adding their own personal touch to the designs and patterns.

The Production Process – The production of Vancali requires skills and dedication. The first step is the preparation of the wool, which is carded and spun by hand. Dyeing the yarns, another crucial step, is done using natural dyes extracted from local plants, which give the fabrics their unique and vibrant hues. The hand loom is the main tool used to weave Vancali. Each piece is crafted with precision and patience, often requiring weeks of work to complete. The decorative motifs, which vary from geometric to floral, are the result of a complex combination of weaving techniques that make each vancale a unique work of art.

Tradition Today – Today, despite modernization and globalization, the tradition of the Vancali di Tiriolo continues to live thanks to the commitment of local artisans who have decided to preserve this ancient art. Craft workshops and cooperatives have arisen in the village to promote and spread knowledge of the Vancali, not only as clothing products, but also as cultural symbols. These artisans not only follow traditional techniques, but often integrate them with contemporary innovations, creating pieces that maintain the charm of the past but adapt to modern needs. Furthermore, events and fairs dedicated to Calabrian craftsmanship provide crucial platforms to showcase and sell Vancali, attracting visitors from all over the world.

The recognition of the cultural value of the Vancali di Tiriolo has also pushed local and regional institutions to promote protection and valorization projects. These include training courses for young artisans, which aim to ensure the passing of skills to new generations, and initiatives to obtain national and international recognition, such as the protected origin mark. The Vancali di Tiriolo are not simple shawls, but living testimonies of a rich and vibrant culture. The dedication of artisans to preserving and innovating this tradition is a shining example of how cultural heritage can be a vital resource for local communities. In a rapidly evolving world, the Vancali represent a tangible link to the past, a symbol of identity and a source of pride for Calabria.

Edited by Susanna Quintieri

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