The SIULP: “The police commissioner of Crotone does not have an open mind to dialogue”

The SIULP: “The police commissioner of Crotone does not have an open mind to dialogue”
The SIULP: “The police commissioner of Crotone does not have an open mind to dialogue”

“My door is always open” – this is how we met Crotone Police Commissioner Marco GIAMBRA when he spoke these words at his inauguration, addressing the trade unions.
A phrase full of meaning, which constitutes a solid premise for the construction of a cordial and lasting relationship between administration and unions which serves as a driving force for the functioning of the organizational machinery of the State Police, if it were not however, that today in the Pythagorean Police Headquarters , that phrase, on our skin – continues the general secretary of the SIULP Claudio GIAMMARINO, we understood that it represents not only a rhetorical phrase for the new Police Commissioner, but even in some ways figurative, since in truth his door is always open, but its mind is not open to dialogue, to the construction of plurilateral ideas that find a common point of collapse in the interests of the administration.

We have expressed it several times in the appropriate offices of our Ministry, that the possible suggestions put in place by the trade unions. they lead to a closure by the local administration managed by Dr. GIAMBRA and even constitute an obstacle to the continuation of civil life within the Police Headquarters, fueling the malaise that has been present for too long now.

This is what happened to this union, when in revealing some of OP’s disservices to the arrival of some Heads of State, the SIULP saw the door physically slammed in its face!

UNITED ITALIAN POLICE WORKERS UNION Provincial Secretariat of Crotone

Since then there have been signs posted on the door of a particular office, prohibiting entry to unauthorized personnel, except that the personnel for whom it was affixed works in that very office.
From here we can deduce the medieval logic with which the Police Commissioner of Crotone and his close collaborator, the latter in service at the Police Headquarters of Crotone for more than 10 years, manage the administration of the State Police as a private place, submitting to authorization to enter certain offices, only to those who have no objections to their actions.

Today it is time to denounce what has been described above – claims the provincial general secretary GIAMMARINO – so that the honorability of the men and women in uniform is restored, with respect to these bosses’ logic which intends to muzzle trade union freedoms with the sole aim of instilling fear in anyone who wants contradict what the despot on duty says.

We ask the Chief of Police, General Director of the PS Pref. Vittorio PISANI, to intervene on the issue, so that in the province of Crotone the dignity of policemen is restored through a constructive dialogue with the trade unions. Furthermore, we ask you to take measures regarding the discrepancies that have been plaguing the Province for too long and which have been promptly represented, evaluating the opportunity to replace the Police Commissioner, without prejudice to any action aimed at protecting the union and its members, including any appeal to the judge of work to request an action to investigate and condemn the anti-union conduct carried out by the Police Commissioner of Crotone.

Happy Republic Day!

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