At the Ravenna Campus, researchers meet the City — UniboMagazine

Two days under the banner of the “PhD City Fest: Research for the City”, born from the collaboration between the University of Bologna and the Classense Library Institution of the Municipality of Ravenna

Scheduled for Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th Juneat the Classense Library (Via Baccarini, 3 – Ravenna), the event “PhD City Fest: Research for the City“, organized by the PhD in Cultural and Environmental Heritage (37th and 38th cycle) of the Alma Mater – Ravenna Campus, as part of the initiative “Generations: research meets the city”, the review of debates open to citizens to encourage dialogue and knowledge of current scientific issues starting from research with high social impact conducted by doctoral students of the University of Bologna.

During the two days, open to the entire citizenry, researchers from the University of Bologna will talk about their innovative and current scientific research to the City of Ravennaalternating on stage with short 10-minute speeches (Tuesday 4 June, from 11am to 6pm), to illustrate the posters that summarize the methods, objects and meanings of their research.
On Wednesday 5 June, from 3pm to 6pm, the “Research Speed ​​Date” will take place with the possibility of “one-to-one” meetings with researchers to delve deeper into the topics covered.

The PhD in Cultural and Environmental Heritage (BCA) belongs to the Department of Cultural Heritage, to which eight departments of the University of Bologna present on the Ravenna Campus contribute. The Ravenna initiative will focus on the theme of social well-being in relation to cultural and environmental heritage and could be one of the salient steps on the path to a closer bond between the University and the City of Ravenna. To underline the link with the city, the Classense Library Institution was chosen as the location for the activity, one of the identifying places for the cultural enrichment of the city community, frequented both by the public with various cultural interests and by high school students. year of secondary schools and university.

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