I Pensieri Acrobati on stage in Soliera with “Tunnel of love”

I Pensieri Acrobati on stage in Soliera with “Tunnel of love”
I Pensieri Acrobati on stage in Soliera with “Tunnel of love”

Another show inspired by that extraordinary author’s repertoire that is Shakespearean theater for the Pensieri Acrobati company. Thursday 6 June, at 9.15 pm, the Nuovo Cinema Teatro Italia in Soliera, in via Garibaldi 80, hosts “Tunnel of love”, freely based on “Much Ado About Nothing”.

It is a collective creation of the students of the Permanent Laboratory of Living Arts. The dramaturgy is signed by Stefano Cenci and Chiara Davolio. The direction and music are by Cenci himself, while on stage are Giorgio Armocida, Livio Bedeschi, Morena Beltrami, Rocco Berlingieri, Enrico Bonacini, Maria Capobianco, Sonia Grappone, Paride Guaraldi, Andrea Malmusi, Yasmine Mjidila, Elena Negrini, Simona Ori, Enrico Pioli, Roxana Roscanu and Ines Sirianni
Love stories are a complicated business. They load themselves with expectations, they drag behind them a whole train of fears, fragilities, illusions. Being together is often a clumsy attempt to quell two solitudes, other times a future accident with an irremediable destiny, other times a predestined necessity that turns into something magical, inexpressible. Because love is simple, childish and, in this rewriting of Shakespeare’s classic, all the stereotypes of the love encounter emerge, with which it is not difficult to identify. But also selfishness, the petty and atavistic feeling of possession, which hide behind this feeling.
In the atmosphere of a vulgar 90s musical, this show prepares, through light and surreal situations in which grotesque and deranged characters try to get out of the tunnel of love, an ending that is very different from the one envisioned by Shakespeare centuries ago. Maybe it’s because the world has changed, maybe it’s because we’ve changed too, maybe it’s because I love you.
For info and reservations: [email protected]

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