“a model failed in Reggio”


In Reggio Calabria an administrative and political model has failed who runs the city and who has not been able to interpret the needs of the population. The mayor Falcomatà he was unable to interpret the city’s need for growth and was trapped by current logic which have slowed down its development.” This was stated by the deputy group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Chamber Alfredo Antoniozzi.

“Fratelli d’Italia has a vision of the South which is identity-based and which it is linked to the tradition of a right that had consensus and credibility in Reggio. In that tradition there is also what we managed to do in 2009, thanks to Italo Bocchino, making Reggio a metropolitan city. We believe that voting for FdI is also an expression of democratic dissent to the current municipal administration and represents an opportunity to give back to Reggio Calabria – adds Antoniozzi – its identity dimension”.

“Let’s not confuse the elections, since each consultation has a history of its own and we know that around FdI it will certainly be necessary to build opportunities for opening up to an intelligent and hard-working moderate world in the future. On Falcomata we civilly expressed our assent for his judicial acquittal, convinced that people must be respected and judged exclusively on a political level. And on this level – concludes Antoniozzi – we ask for a surge of pride from the people of Reggio and a vote for us in the European elections which also means turning the page and looking to a different future”.

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