the Municipality rejects the telephone antenna

Public alarm was triggered last February when, in a session of the Territorial Council of Ravenna South, the request for Iliad Italya telecommunications company, to install a new cellular radio base station (SRB) ingreen area of ​​viale Randi between the two road carriageways. The antenna would be approximately at the height of the hospital, on the west side, and via Redipuglia, on the east side. The proposal for a 30 meter telephone antenna in Viale Randi was rejected by the Municipality.

The telephone antenna in Viale Randi was rejected

Alvaro Ancisi of Lista for Ravenna had asked managers of the municipal services (who are responsible for giving the authorization) to provide maximum attention to the impact of the structure on the surrounding area, taking into account, in particular, the 30 meter height of the pole, including the banner, on which to install 6 antennas and 3 satellite dishes.

The area, pertaining to road traffic, is also municipal property. In the same area there are, within a radius of 500 metres, seven other similar electromagnetic cellular telephony infrastructures.

Decisive in this regard was the negative opinion of the manager of the One Stop Shop for Construction (SUE)broadcast on May 3 at One Stop Shop for Productive Activities (SUAP)whose manager consequently expressed, on May 9, his determination of provisional negative conclusion of the case. “The design intervention – it is written in the SUE opinion – does not comply with current urban planning instruments”. In fact, the free visibility index (IVL) permitted by the Municipality’s Urban Planning Regulation (RUE) is not respected, as the distance of the system from the road border is much lower than its considerable height.

Iliad presented opposition to the managerial decision, recalling a recent change in the law according to which the regulatory requirements of the Municipalities cannot “introduce location restrictions in generalized areas of the territory of base radio stations for electronic communications networks”. In my opinion, this rule does not suit the case as the aforementioned RUE requirement applies, supported by valid reasoning, to precisely locatable areas. Furthermore, in this case there are other areas in the area which are exempt from limitations or where other antennas can be added to existing radio base stations. By July 11th, the SUAP will issue the final determination, which, if negative, can only be challenged by resorting to administrative justice.

Read also: Montessori Park, La Pigna: «After our complaint, the residents’ complaint is also at the Prosecutor’s Office»

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