Goodbye to Benito Pagliara, owner of the hospital bar for 58 years

Goodbye to Benito Pagliara, owner of the hospital bar for 58 years
Goodbye to Benito Pagliara, owner of the hospital bar for 58 years

There are people destined to remain in the history of a city, and Benito Pagliara it is undoubtedly one of these. The man who has managed it continuously since 1954 bar dell’hospital a Toastsguardian of a profession from another time, passed away at the age of 87 surrounded by the affection of his two daughters, Antonella and Tiziana.

The figure

He was not just a merchant, Pagliara. He was the welcoming face that welcomed generations of Brindisi residents, first at the former Di Summa hospital and then at the “Perrino” hospital. His story is an epic of dedication, sacrifice and determination in pursuing personal growth. He was the man who, after having lived and suffered in the post-war period, as an eighteen-year-old waiter at the historic Bar Fiamma, decided to ask the managers of the Di Summa hospital for a small room to create a small shop for the needs of the sick and hospital employees. From that moment, destiny was written: his bar would become a point of reference for the city. For over six decades, Benito’s bar was a beacon for doctors, nurses and patients of the Perrino hospital. The funerals will take place tomorrow morning, at 9.30, in the church of Ave Maris Stella to the Casale neighborhood.


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Daily Newspaper of Puglia

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