Poison on Manfredonia’s electoral campaign, Ugo Galli isn’t in favor of it: “Retaliatory intent against me”

Poison on Manfredonia’s electoral campaign, Ugo Galli isn’t in favor of it: “Retaliatory intent against me”
Poison on Manfredonia’s electoral campaign, Ugo Galli isn’t in favor of it: “Retaliatory intent against me”

In recent days, information has circulated in a local newspaper completely incorrect about my person and my professional career in public administration, providing an elaborate and erroneous reconstruction since the documentation accompanying the articles appears to have been produced by a personality who had a criminal trial against him and for whom I was prosecution witnesses. The reasons for these published allegations could therefore once again be inspired by pure revenge.” This was reported in a note from the candidate for mayor of Manfredonia, Ugo Galli, running for the civic cartel “Manfredonia 2024”, with the contribution of Fratelli d’Italia and Forza Italia.

“Towards this personsent to trial three times for aggravated defamation against me and once for insult, and sentenced in civil court to pay compensation for the moral injuries caused to me, I have never been unsuccessful – recalls Galli -. In the criminal court I withdrew the complaint in exchange for an out-of-court settlement. My actions in the Gargano Mountain Community were strictly regular and no judicial authority ever objected anything, the allegations regarding the use of the car and the alleged tolls are all uncontested by judicial authorities or internal control bodies”.

And again: “I like to remember that I was hired following a regular public competition, whose actions were not contested by anyone and at the end of which the candidates complimented me on my preparation. The developments of my career have all taken place in strict compliance with the regional legislation governing the Mountain Communities and have been subjected to scrutiny by the relevant bodies which approved them. There has never been any favoritism towards me, any statement of this nature is devoid of any foundation and I reserve the right to take legal action. I took care of the Agropolis farm when I was sole director, and it was the only year in which I was sole director that ended with a profit. Subsequently I no longer dealt with it because it was managed by the political body of the institution, while I was the technical body”.

Then he adds: “As the liquidator commissioner of the organization and the then president of the Mountain Community then pointed out, Nicola Pinto, coinciding with his mandate, from 2006 to 2010, he did not raise any reasoned complaints regarding acts. Therefore my legal and economic position as general secretary of the Gargano Mountain Community, it did not present any irregularities. It is worth noting that I have never been fired. The then president acted illicitly, so much so that the Ministry of the Interior noted in a note that those absolutely unexpected acts that the president adopted for retaliatory reasons were illicit. They were issued contra legem. Following this, the liquidator took note of the obvious illegality of those acts and, having consulted the Region, annulled them”.

According to candidate Galli “someone, moreover, according to the sources of this detailed study on my person, he would have maintained, from a character perspective, that I love to command. For years I have been carrying out my work in contexts characterized by the presence of numerous people. I have never received any complaints. Of course, if enforcing the law, enforcing the rules means wanting to command, then I can well say that I want to command because I want the rules to be strictly respected. I also assumed the presidency of the Circolo Unione and I have never encountered any relational problems. Those who know me know well that my propensity for entertaining social relationships is very strong.”

He concludes: “Regarding what was written about Arif, it is an internal matter, in recent days the Council of State has ruled on the appeal brought by many administrative magistrates against the Council of State. They are physiological events, linked to issues relating to the conduct of the employment relationship. There is nothing scandalous. There is no default on my part. It is a specious argument, especially if all this information is inspired by a person who was drawn from criminal proceedings, in the context of which I was cited as a witness for the public prosecution. The intent – ​​in Galli’s opinion – is purely retaliatory”.

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