Sport in Salerno, passion is not enough: facilities are also needed

Sport in Salerno, passion is not enough: facilities are also needed
Sport in Salerno, passion is not enough: facilities are also needed

Sometimes passion, also a fundamental fuel for large businesses, is not enough on its own. AND the black year of Salerno sport it is the photograph of a delicate situation, to say the least, from a logistical and structural point of view. Further difficulties on the path of several clubs who have to deal with a considerable financial outlay to set up competitive teams in their respective disciplines, without the profit that perhaps only football can guarantee.

And more than a support or a base on which you can rely, the city’s systems become one of the first obstacles to try to overcome. This is the case of Rare Nantes Salernowho on more than one occasion had to play home away matches, losing fundamental points in terms of safety, due to the continuous problems that have been plaguing the Simone Vitale swimming pool for years now.

Doubts about the future of the Giallorossi club which instead Virtus Arechi (basketball) disappeared a few hours ago. Withdrawal from the championship after relegation and after the transfer from PalaSilvestri to PalaLongo (Capriglia). A team forced to emigrate which little by little lost grip and contact with the Salerno area, inducing the owner to press the stop button. We now need a concrete commitment, a courageous assumption of responsibility, to try not to disperse the sea of ​​talent and passion of many clubs that represent Salerno’s excellence…

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