Ghidotti returns to the field with FdI “Let’s change gear in Cremona”

The love for politics he has always had convinced him to return to the ringand now Carlalberto Ghidotti, long-time city councilor (15 years in the municipal council and 5 as president of the council in the Province), ex of Forza Italia (has been for 25 years), he is registered on the list of candidates of Fratelli d’Italia to the city council.

In 2019, Ghidotti, record holder of votes in all administrative rounds in which he participated, he had abandoned Forza Italia, the political group in which he was born and raised “following the liberal thought of President Silvio Berlusconi”. “Too many things have changed in Forza Italia,” he explained five years ago. “I still struggle to recognize myself in the politics expressed by the party”.

Ghidotti owes his falling in love with politics to Silvio Berlusconi. “I followed him from the first moment, until the funeral last year, and I waited for him to leave us to change parties. And then she came to power Giorgia Meloni“.

Now the return with Fratelli d’Italia and support for the centre-right mayoral candidate Alessandro Portesani. “I responded to the appeal of the friends of Fratelli d’Italia who asked me to do some numbers for them and I responded willingly.”

Ghidotti defines himself as “a good wingman: I have no desire to stand out, I bring grist to my mill as I always have. In a historical moment where Italy is moving to the right, the Region is moving to the right, even Europe in the latest elections, we will see America, but it will probably follow the same path, going to follow Virgilio would mean no longer staying on Galimberti’s line, but moving even further to the left“.

In short, Ghidotti is “thrown back into the fray”: “Many friends have asked me, many will support me. It’s my passion. At European level we will try to change somethingas Europe as it is now is not very popular with Italians because other global policies are being followed.

“On promises,” Ghidotti said again, “I have learned that the city councilor does not have to promise anythingbecause the municipal councilor, if elected, he is the person who will go to the council to respond directly to the people, so I don’t have to fight to make the third bridge or to make a second Torrazzo. I will align myself to carry forward what the possible centre-right council wants to do, and I will do it with my heart, as a good wingman”.

“Italians,” he then added, “like it concreteness, something that this administration has not given. There are many real complaintsyou just have to leave your house to realize it: the state of the streets, cleanliness, waste collection, people want the base. Many investments have not been made over the years. We, if elected, will get involved, trying to restore the situation in a decent manner. We want to change things. Alessandro Portesani is a smart person, a concrete person, he is a boy who has an edge. AND we want to change gear in Cremona“.

Finally a appeal to go and vote: “I like to remind the people of Cremona to go and vote if they want to change something. I trust in it, and I still put my face to it. If friends feel like writing Ghidotti next to the Meloni logo on the blue card, I will be happy to represent them in the city council.”

Sara Pizzorni


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