25 thousand at the arrival in Rimini. In France alone 4.3 million in front of the TV

25 thousand at the arrival in Rimini. In France alone 4.3 million in front of the TV
25 thousand at the arrival in Rimini. In France alone 4.3 million in front of the TV

As the Tour de France prepares to say goodbye to Italy, with a Grande Partenza consisting of three stages that will remain etched in the history of cycling and sport, for Rimini it is already time for the first assessments and numbers. The city was an authentic protagonist on the opening day, with the finish line of the Florence-Rimini. In total, the organization illustrates how the TVs from 190 countries around the world are involved, 100 channels of which 60 are live, millions and millions of viewers, 250 accredited journalists to the press room set up at the Palacongressi in Rimini.

These are some of the numbers from the international television showcase of the Tour de France which, in the aftermath of the historic departure from Italy, is recording excellent performances in terms of the share of spectators glued to the TV to follow the first stage of the most beloved and oldest race in the cycling panorama, the third sporting event in the world, in terms of number of spectators and TV viewers, behind only the Summer Olympics and the Football World Cup.

I dati dell’audience in tv

An extraordinary showcase for the territory which, just to stay on France TV, recorded on 29 June an average audience of 2.89 million viewers with a share of 32.8% for the afternoon broadcast on France 2 and a peak of 4.35 million viewers and a share of 42.9% at 5.52pm at the time of Romain Bardet’s victory in Rimini. Numbers to which are added those of the spectators from 190 countries around the world glued to the various national TVs. Starting from the Italians who, considering only those who followed the live broadcast on Rai 2, were the most numerous at least since 2011, with 1 million 147 thousand and 11.1% share of viewers who followed the first part of the story of the departure, which rose to 1 million 427 thousand viewers, with 14.4% share in the final stages towards the Rimini finish.

Numbers multiplied by the various social network channels of the Tour de France which have more than 12 million fans around the world and by the official website of the tour (www.letour.fr) which has 30.6 million unique visitors and 80 million page views).

And then the spectators in flesh and blood, thousands and thousands of people, who applauded the arrival of the runners along the entire route of the first stage from Florence to Rimini and who in the days surrounding the arrival decided to travel, alone or in a group, the same route. An estimated turnout of between 20 and 25 thousand presences for the arrival of the stage in the city.

It was a Grand Departure full of endless emotions that was lit up in golden yellow by the impact of the public and the media: a tribute to a country where cycling is one of the most loved sports.

Visit Rimini: “Excellent tourist magnet”

“He Tour de France – comments the director of Visit Rimini Coralie Delaubert – it is much more than a sporting competition that is a symbol throughout the world, it is a tourist magnet that has attracted thousands of visitors. Enthusiasts and the curious from all over Italy and abroad first and foremost, but also a significant number of professionals and journalists. An intense weekend for the Iat offices that have received and managed many calls and visits to have information above all on the route and on mobility, in particular in the office at the station, but who have often chosen to visit the historic center in the morning, appreciating the new city guides available in 5 languages, and then heading towards the final race route. The media coverage received will be capitalized and enhanced with our incoming activity thanks to the collaboration with top level operators able to propose the Rimini destination as a bike destination and fitness destination to an international market profiled towards the top. In this sense we have also developed dedicated packages with bike and wellness experience. From the point of view of hotel occupancy, two consecutive stellar weekends between the Tour de France, Ginnastica in Festa, a corporate convention at the Palacongressi and the upcoming Notte Rosa, for which an occupancy rate of over 90% is expected”.

The study commissioned by the Region predicted around 1.8 million spectators in Italy for the first three stages of the Tour, of which over 750 thousand in Emilia-Romagna. AND approximately 150 thousand guests in hotels. The economic repercussions are important, with a direct impact of 59 million euros, of which 29 million in Emilia-Romagna, plus related activities and indirect benefits at a national level for a further 47 million, with another 13 million for companies in the cycling supply chain.

The connected radios

Not only television stations but also radio stations, podcasts, general tourism magazines, specialized cycling magazines, daily newspapers, information and cycling websites, bloggers and influencers from all over the world: Australia, USA, Canada, UK, France, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Scandinavian countries, including Italy, followed the stages of the Tour. Among the most important newspapers Le Figarò, the Daily Mail, Guardian, Bicycle Australia, Cyclist France, Grinta, Fiets, Rennrad, Delo, Road Bike Magazine, Mtb biker.

The mayor: “Huge promotional value”

“It was an enormous emotion and pride – comments the Mayor of Rimini Jamil Sadegholvaad – see Rimini in yellow, full of fans and onlookers ready to welcome this world event. We also wanted to thank Pantani for all this, a champion who gave us unforgettable emotions and who was with us to welcome this historic event watching the arrival on the sea from the square on the water. The arrival of the Tour de France has an enormous promotional value that will continue in the coming months and on which we will continue to work. Thanks go to all those who contributed to the organization and success of this extraordinary event, to the police forces, the Prefect, the Police Chief, the Commander of the Carabinieri, the commander of the Municipal Police and the Fire Brigade, to the Emilia Romagna Region that made this dream possible and to the organizational machine of the Municipality of Rimini that in these months has been constantly working to organize it in the best possible way. Without everyone’s commitment, all this would not have been possible”.

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