Pensioners and young people from Confagricoltura Piacenza in dialogue on the topic “the CAP that exists and the CAP that we would like”

The CAP that exists and the CAP that we would like is the title of the assembly – conference organized by the National Association of Pensioners of Confagricoltura (Anpa) which met in recent days at regional level in Bologna, which saw the participation of the national president of Confagricoltura Massimiliano Giansanti and the general director Annamaria Barrile.

After the initial greetings from Marcello Bonvicini, regional president of Confagricoltura and Carlo Sivieri, regional president of Anpa, followed by the technical intervention of Vincenzo Lenucci, director of Economic Development Policies of the Agri-food Supply Chains of Confagricoltura. The warning from the event goes in the direction of working on a profound revision of the CAP, with the aim of increasing productivity, competitiveness and stability of farmers’ incomes. In this scenario, farmers can contribute strategically by helping to build a new model of agriculture that protects food security and the health of the planet. “This CAP is unsustainable for businesses: it reduces incentives in the face of greater commitments and costs borne by farmers. The approval by the EU Council of the partial revision of the CAP, thanks also to the intervention of Confagricoltura at the community level, represents a step forward but it is not enough” the participants underlined in many voices.

Over two hundred participants in the audience, including the large group from Anpa Piacenza led by the president Giovanni Merli and a representation of the associates of Confagricoltura Piacenza with the director Marco Casagrande.

The candidate for the European elections Guglielmo Garagnani spoke at the conference to share the reasons for his choice. An agricultural entrepreneur and manager of Confagricoltura for several mandates, Garagnani proposes to bring the voice of farmers to Europe in line with his position as a reformist and pro-European conservative. “We cannot afford – he said – to leave Europe in check of ideological and unreasonable fringes who with a handful of votes influence common politics”.

“I am happy to participate in this meeting for a friend, Guglielmo Garagnani. We expect him to carry forward Confagricoltura’s battles on CAP, nitrate management, carbon farming and tea. In the recent meeting in Rome with the President of the European Commission Ursula Von Der Leyen we talked about the centrality of agriculture in deciding together how to proceed” – so Massimiliano Giansanti

Representatives from ANGA, the youth nursery of Confagricoltura, also took part in the event and the regional President Alice Consoli spoke with Garagnani on the topic of young people and how to facilitate the generational transition by making the agricultural sector more attractive and profitable.

The Hon. took care of summarizing it. Angelo Santori, deputy national vice-president, secretary and founder of the first pensioners association of Confagricoltura (later Anpa): “We must be proud of being so numerous, we are there in significant moments and we want to be there. Anpa defends the interests of pensioners and closely shares the path of Confagricoltura. At the center is the issue of tax and social security harmonization, of young entrepreneurs: ANGA and ANPA go hand in hand. It is a generational pact for the future of our agriculture.”

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