Republic Day is also in Sassari

Sassari. Also in Sassari yesterday morning (Sunday 2 June) the ceremony celebrating the 78th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Republic was held. The soldiers of the Joint Forces Formation were deployed in Piazza d’Italia, with the highest civil, military and religious authorities present. Immediately after the flag raising and the playing of the Mameli-Novaro anthem, the prefect Grazia La Fauci read the message sent by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. Immediately afterwards she addressed those present with a personal speech.

The prefect of Sassari Grazia La Fauci

«Coming together today expresses the meaning of the reaffirmation of the shared values, founding of our Republic, recognized and promoted in the Constitutional Charter – said the prefect -. Citizens and those who hold public functions renew their commitment to contribute, each in their own role, to making the values ​​of the Constitution live in their own territorial reality. This commitment, in our province, is faced with a complex and in some respects worrying reality: it must take into account the increase in depopulation and birth rates, a high rate of school dropout, the spread of forms of youth hardship and of the poverty conditions of many families. This Day invites us to take care of the community of which we are part, in the many ways in which this is possible, abandoning an individualistic and indifferent way of living compared to the many uncomfortable situations around us. It is the Constitution, which reminds us of the mandatory duties of political, economic and social solidarity both as individual citizens and as institutions.”

«Every province of Italy celebrates the pride of belonging to the national community on June 2nd. This is a land of strong feelings, the pride of belonging to the Republic is equal to the attachment to the land of Sardinia”, concluded Grazia La Fauci.

Professor Sergio Babudieri was named Knight of the Republic

In the second part of the ceremony, five honors were awarded to the “Merit of the Italian Republic”: to professors Sergio Babudieri, Giovanni Sotgiu and Pierpaolo Terragni, for their medical-scientific contribution during the pandemic period, to Bibiana Pala, first director of the Police of State and to Lieutenant Colonel of the Carabinieri Davide Crapa. A certificate of public merit for Civil Merit was awarded to the second lieutenant of the Port Authority Corps, Marcello Melca.

The music that marked the ceremony was performed by the orchestra of the “Azuni” Classical, Musical and Dance High School and by the musicians of the “Canepa” Conservatory, with the Italian anthem, “Parata d’Eroi”, “Va pensiero ” and “Dimonios”.

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