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«Degradation a stone’s throw from wonder» The Tyrrhenian Sea

PISA. «Is it possible that in Pisa, a few hundred meters from one of the most beautiful squares in the world, there is one of the most degraded stadiums in Italy? ». The architect just can’t understand it Marco Casamonti of the paradox of the city of the Tower and theGaribaldi Arena, a stadium as full of history as it is of ailments, just a stone’s throw from the bell tower of Bonanno Pisano, a symbol of Italy in the world and a destination for millions of visitors every year. «It’s not the only one, obviously, but if I had to point out a place that is emblematic of Italian backwardness in terms of stadiums and sports infrastructures, the first that comes to mind is Pisa».

He knows what Casamonti, 59 years old, is talking about, professor of architectural and urban composition, founder and creative director of Archea associati and founder and partner of Marco Casamonti&Partner. He leads a team of 40 employees and more than two hundred collaborators with whom he designs skyscrapers (the latest with 16 floors in Shanghai) and cellars (the one by Marchesi Antinori built in 2012 in the hills of San Casciano Val di Pese is already in the architecture manuals) . But also stadiums and sports centres: there is his signature, for example, on the Bluenergy Stadium in Udine and on the Arena Kombetare in Tirana, but also on “Viola Park” of Bagno a Ripoli, the new home of Fiorentina.

In short, he is one of those for whom the neologism “archistar” could be used for good reason, if it weren’t for the fact that “I really don’t like that word and therefore I invite you not to bring it near me” he smiles politely during a chat on sustainability in architecture. In which, inevitably, the discussion also shifts to stadiums and the example of the Arena comes up. Like what should never happen. «And which, however, is repeated too often in Italy».

But what should be done in Pisa?

«Look, don’t ask me. I don’t know the situation closely. But I am convinced that a stadium in those conditions near one of the most beautiful places in the world should not be there.”

So would you be in favor of moving a possible new stadium out of the city?

«No, I think exactly the opposite. Firstly because one of the national emergencies is land consumption: in Italy too much has been built and I think that, when faced with any project idea, the first thing anyone who does my job must ask themselves is whether there is any “already built” on which we can intervene. This applies to all architectural works: whether it is a palace, a theater or a square. Then there are specific reasons regarding stadiums, which make their presence particularly appropriate in urban contexts. …”

Which ones are they?

«Contemporary stadiums must be thought of as infrastructures that “live” 12 months a year. This means that restaurants, gyms, supermarkets, museums, even neighborhood shops and more can be placed inside them. But such a space works if it is an urbanized and lived-in place. Otherwise there is the problem of building the infrastructure to bring people there, with further land consumption. To this reason, of an urban-architectural nature, however, I would like to add another of a historical nature. …”


«Stadiums, especially when they have a more than centuries-old history like that of Pisa, are infrastructures around which, over time, the urban and social structure of the neighborhood in which they are located has been designed. Moving it often means having to redesign the neighborhood.”

So in your opinion, should the Arena Garibaldi remain there?

«Looking from the outside and from afar, say yes. Even if to express myself fully I would have to have elements of knowledge that I don’t have. It seems to me, however, that the planning hypotheses also envisage rebuilding the Pisa stadium where it is now. …”

Do you know them?

«Vaguely. I know there was a competition of ideas, if I’m not mistaken, a few years ago. I believe, however, that a solution must be found: it is desirable that the municipality and society sit around a table and come out with a shared path. In 2020, a stadium like this cannot be justified anywhere, let alone a stone’s throw from a square of extraordinary beauty like that of the Miracles.”

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