Women, participation, work and even Dante at the June 2nd celebration in Piazza dei Signori

Women, participation, work and even Dante at the June 2nd celebration in Piazza dei Signori
Women, participation, work and even Dante at the June 2nd celebration in Piazza dei Signori

A morning full of food for thought characterized the 78th anniversary of the Proclamation of the Italian Republic in Treviso. The celebrations began on Sunday 2 June in Piazza della Vittoria with the solemn Flag raising ceremonyofficiated by the Provincial Student Council.

Followed by the laying of laurel wreaths in honor of the fallen, in the presence of the mayor Mario Conte, the president of the Province Stefano Marcon, the Prefect Angelo Sidoti, and Colonel Marco Fiore. After the joint forces parade through the city centre, accompanied by the musical band, the tricolor was unfurled from the Palazzo dei Trecento in Piazza dei Signori by the Provincial Fire Brigade Command.

«To achieve a goal you need clear ideas, timely projects and resources», thus Marcon, «The last 10 years have been complex after the 2014 downgrading and impoverishment of the provinces, despite the Constitution being clear in recognizing these bodies as intermediate. Yet we never stopped. I hope that the value of participation returns. The ongoing conflicts are a deep wound in the soul, the Second World War seems to have been forgotten. We must not forget the Covid pandemic either, we have seen how cooperation between countries has been the real strength in fighting an invisible enemy.”

«78 years ago the foundations were laid for subsequent economic and social conquests. The Constitution based on work, family, pacifism and anti-fascism followed”, this is the speech of With you«The contribution of women is important, I want to remember Tina Anselmi and Lorenza Carlassare, the first woman to win a university professorship in Italy. They built by knocking down walls. Giving meaning to the State also means making participation and inclusion essential. “Follow virtue and knowledge” wrote Dante. Knowledge never excludes, it fills June 2nd with meaning. The Republic and the Constitution belong to everyone, their knowledge is fundamental for democracy and freedom.”

«June 2, 1946 Italy has chosen discontinuityfrom the monarchy to the Republic and finally with the women’s vote”, he concluded Sidoti«Today we are experiencing international crises, wars and climate change. It takes a greater effort from all of us to ensure what is said in Article 3 of the Constitution to rediscover the sense of desire for economic progress, guarantee a future for young people and to have a more just society. From January to today there have been 89 feminicides and they do not appear to be decreasing deaths at work: these are priority issues. We have always overcome difficulties with community cohesion. We look to June 2nd with confidence and hope.”

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