Perugia, purchase proposal for the club from TimeNova Holding. Figure around 8 million

Perugia, purchase proposal for the club from TimeNova Holding. Figure around 8 million
Perugia, purchase proposal for the club from TimeNova Holding. Figure around 8 million


There is a new proposal for the purchase of Perugia. The one who introduced it is TimeNova Holding S.A. which, by virtue of the recent approval of the court that reduced the debt exposure (by 4 million), has foreseen a total amount of over 8 million euros plus a bonus in the event of promotion to Serie B by 30 June 2026.

In the company’s industrial plan there is a minimum investment that varies between 12 and 16 million for the next three sporting seasons, also based on what the club’s militancy category will be. The idea would also be to design the new stadium through direct investments and financial and entrepreneurial partners.

TimeNova Holding itself has acknowledged the withdrawal of Sciurpa’s group, but has invited him to the possibility of joining him for a new path at the helm of Perugia. Initially, the Board of Directors would be composed of three people and the roles of general manager and sports director have already been identified, plus the general secretary and the team manager. The eventual response of the Perugia president, Massimiliano Santopadre, is therefore awaited. In the past few months there had already been various interests for the majority of the club, it remains to be seen whether this proposal will be considered acceptable by the number one of the Grifone.

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