“He fought life even more intensely”

“He fought life even more intensely”
“He fought life even more intensely”

A medical cart, two steel shelves and three blackboards were donated by the Manciucca family – Benedetta, Sabrina, Lorena and Alessio – to the Oncology department of the hospital in Terni. Alessandro Rossi from ‘I Pagliacci’ helped them. The reasons that led to the praiseworthy gesture: “Three years ago we discovered dad Giorgio’s tumor which was already in an advanced stage, the fourth. Therefore, life expectancy did not exceed three months. Needless to say – they declared – that daily life has changed radically. The disease has absorbed every strength, every hope, every moment of “normal” life.

The memory: “Dad’s true strength was in fighting and living life even more intensely, for the love of his family and for the desire to see his granddaughter grow up. During this journey, we were never alone. We met other families ready to fight with us and we were supported by the oncology unit and by doctors Mosillo and Sirgiovanni. By the hospice, namely Dr. Margheritelli and the nurses and by our ‘strong shoulders’ – Dr. Timmy Rozzi, Luigi Rinaldi, Roberta Triola and Federica Ippoliti. All of them gave us strength and hope, supporting us step by step and giving us time: time for memories, for smiles, time for life.

And again: “We could only entrust the memory of dad to Pagliacci, as he himself said: “Think of Alessandro”. A sincere friend of our family. A heartfelt thank you to everyone for being at our side and for continuing to We hope to be able to always remember dad with a smile.” The head nurse, Dr. Bracarda, and the donation contact, Dr. Leonardo Fausti, received the donations.

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