the RN wins half of the Pas-de-Calais seats in the first round

the RN wins half of the Pas-de-Calais seats in the first round
the RN wins half of the Pas-de-Calais seats in the first round

With six candidates elected in the first round in 12 constituencies, the National Rally confirms its roots in the Pas-de-Calais department.

Six candidates elected in the first round. Pas-de-Calais confirms its status as a stronghold of the National Rally after the first round of the legislative elections this Sunday, June 30. Across the department, far-right candidates garnered 50.03% of the votes.

As soon as the national results were announced on Sunday evening, Marine Le Pen announced her election in the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais, in front of her activists gathered in Hénin-Beaumont.

The National Rally candidate further improves her score compared to the previous election. She won the election hands down with 58.04% of the votes (compared to 53.96% in the second round in 2022), arriving far ahead of the candidate of the New Popular Front, Samira Laal, replaced by the president of the Ecologists, Marine Tondelier (26.05% vote).

Three RN candidates re-elected

Besides Marine Le Pen, five other RN candidates won in the department. In the 3rd constituency, Bruno Clavet was elected in the first round with 52.40% of the votes, ahead of Jean-Marc Tellier of the New Popular Front (32.29%), outgoing deputy. In the 10th constituency, Thierry Frappé did even better with 60.61% of the votes, against, against 18.79% and 10.50% for the candidates of the New Popular Front and LR-UDI.

In the 12th constituency, Bruno Bilde was largely re-elected in the first round (59.24%) against the candidate of the New Popular Front, Alain Bavay (21.04%). The same goes for Christine Engrand, also re-elected in the first round with 50.70% of the vote, ahead of Brigitte Bourguignon (26.56%), candidate for Ensemble in the 6th constituency. Finally, Emmanuel Blairy was re-elected with 54.08%, far ahead of the candidate for Ensemble (13.41%) in the 1st constituency.

In the six other constituencies of Pas-de-Calais, far-right candidates are in a favorable vote before the second round of elections this Sunday, July 7. All the RN candidates came well ahead, with the hope of bringing new constituencies into their fold, and doing better than in 2022 with six seats won at the end of the two rounds.

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