“TusciaPride was a fundamental moment for the whole territory”

Viterbo – The vice president of the association Mirko Giuggiolini – A procession of over 3 thousand people crossed the entire historic center yesterday afternoon for queer and trans rights, for the first time in the history of the city of popes – PHOTOS AND VIDEO

by Daniele Camilli

Viterbo – “It was a fundamental moment for the entire Tuscia area”. Mirko Giuggiolini is the vice president of TusciaPride. Yesterday afternoon, for the first time in the history of Viterbo, a demonstration for queer and trans rights crossed the entire historic center, bringing with it joy and rights. A celebration and at the same time a revolution that leaves a profound mark, opening the city to a better future for everyone.

Viterbo – TusciaPride parades through the streets of the historic center

“For the first time, a Pride born directly from the territory and with the support of many realities has materialized – says Giuggiolini -. Furthermore, for the first time a Pride march crossed the historic center of Viterbo, entering inside the walls. Passing through Piazza del Comune and Via Marconi until arriving in marginalized areas of the city. An important Pride, built with a very strong dialogue with all the institutions. It’s a shame for the municipalities that did not want to grant patronage, such as Civita Castellana and Tarquinia, important municipalities that did not want to recognize the requests of part of their population. And all of this is heartbreaking.”

Viterbo – TusciaPride – Mirko Giuggiolini

Over 3 thousand people were present. With them, together with the president and deputy of TusciaPride, Giancarlo Mazza and Mirko Giuggiolini, there are also the regional councilor Marta Bonafoni, the senator Alessandra Maiorino (M5s) with Carolina Morace, leader of the M5s in the European elections, the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party Manuela Benedetti, the provincial coordinator of the 5 Star movement Massimo Erbetti, the municipal councilors Alfonso Antoniozzi, Elena Angiani and Emanuele Aronne, the municipal councilors Francesco Buzzi, Alessandra Croci, Maria Rita De Alexandris, Alessandra Troncarelli, Francesca Sanna, Federico Tonnicchi, the academic senator Lucia Ferrante, the president of Arcigay Viterbo, Virginia Migliore, the secretary of the Young Democrats Francesco Boscheri and the president of Kyanos Marta Nori. Enrico Mezzetti president of Anpi Viterbo. The president of the Pro Loco Viterbo Irene Temperini. Mayor Chiara Frontini stopped by just to say hello.

The procession started from via delle Fortezze-porta Romana. Then he continued along via Giuseppe Garibaldi, via Cavour, piazza del Plebiscito, via Roma, Corso Italia, piazza Giuseppe Verdi, via Guglielmo Marconi, piazza Martiri d’Unità, via Ser Monaldo, via San Giovanni Decollato, piazza Trinità, via Santissima Maria Liberatrice, Piazza San Faustino and Piazza Sallupara. Finally arriving at Piazza Sallupara where the day ended with a concert.

“F(e)roce really” is the slogan of the event.

“This splendid procession – continues Giuggiolini -, together with the 24 municipalities that have granted patronage, the province and the university of Tuscia, represents the strength of our resistance. An important Pride because it is accompanied by political demands which, if realized, would lead to a real improvement for the queer and trans population.”

Many speeches from the mobile stage, a truck, which preceded the procession.

“With the Lazio Pride two years ago – comments Virginia Migliore of ArciGay – an unstoppable journey began in this territory. As ArciGay Viterbo we are and will always be alongside the queer and trans community.”

Viterbo - TusciaPride - Mayor Chiara Frontini drops by to say hello

Viterbo – TusciaPride – Mayor Chiara Frontini drops by to say hello

“The patriarchal culture that permeates our society claims victims across the board – underlines Marta Nori of Kyanos – and some of these are lesbian women and transsexual women. As an anti-violence centre, taking into account the specificity of the mechanisms it assumes in this case and the difficulties involved in wanting to leave it, we take care of lesbian and trans women as we believe that the principle underlying violent and unhealthy relationships is always the same: the patriarchal culture regardless of who exercises violence. The practices that characterize the phenomenon of male violence against women, from economic, psychological to physical control, are always the same. The patriarchal heterosexual model that has unfortunately invaded the whole of society. Today, like every day, the desire to shout about enough violence against all women does not subside and our message is: we are here.”

Viterbo - TusciaPride - Alessandra Maiorino and Carolina Morace

Viterbo – TusciaPride – Alessandra Maiorino and Carolina Morace

“Tuscia Pride – continues the senator of the M5s, Alessandra Maiorino – is a breath of fresh air in a hood created by this right-wing government which is little by little crumbling the rights of everyone. It will be essential to go and vote in these European elections, to stop the slide of Italy and Europe towards democracies, fake Orban-style democracies. Being here today, together with Carolina Morace, our candidate for the Center, was very important to demonstrate the seriousness of our commitment to protecting the rights of the local and national LGBTIQ+ community. And it was a pleasure to sign the Tuscia Pride political manifesto with Morace.”

Viterbo - TusciaPride - Marta Nori

Viterbo – Tuscia Pride – Marta Nori

“I saw so much joy – continues Carolina Morace of the M5s -, so much pride, so many young people and so much openness. Fewer weapons and more rights is fundamental. Let’s continue like this even if there is still a lot to do in Europe.”

Viterbo - TusciaPride - Alessandra Naspi

Viterbo – TusciaPride – Alessandra Naspi

Finally Alessandra Naspi of the PerCorso student union. “We are here to reclaim our existence. We are here to say that we are not an exception and that we want our space.”

Daniele Camilli

Multimedia: Photogallery: The paradeOver 3 thousand citizens at the first Tuscia Pride in the city of the popes – Video: The demonstration

– Over 3 thousand citizens at the first TusciaPride

June 2, 2024

Tusciapride … The articles

  1. Over 3 thousand citizens at the first TusciaPride
  2. Today is TusciaPride day, for queer and trans rights
  3. “I will participate in TusciaPride, we must be on the side of those who are the target of this government’s illiberal policies”
  4. “TusciaPride, Rainbow Street in via Saffi vandalised”
  5. “TusciaPride 1st June, we ask all municipalities to grant patronage”
  6. “We asked Tajani to sign the TusciaPride political manifesto”
  7. “TusciaPride: egalitarian marriage, surgical service for gender affirmation and anti-discrimination offices…”
  8. “Pride is fundamental because discrimination is still present in the city”
  9. Elly Schlein: “Full support for TusciaPride on June 1st”
  10. “TusciaPride, we ask the mayor Frontini to parade with us to the tune of Raffaella Carrà”
  11. “A flash mob to relaunch TusciaPride, because the medieval history of Viterbo can be integrated with LGBT rights”
  12. “TusciaPride, we ask for a public service for gender transition provided by the Local Health Authority”
  13. “The first TusciaPride in June… to give voice to the joy, anger and desires of all queer and trans people”
  14. Giancarlo Mazza: “Government and region are expression of fascist resurgences and feelings of hatred”
  15. “Dignity, equality and contrast to every form of hatred… The first Tusciapride congress in Viterbo”
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