“Possible settlement between Juventus and Allegri before reaching the dispute in court”

“Possible settlement between Juventus and Allegri before reaching the dispute in court”
“Possible settlement between Juventus and Allegri before reaching the dispute in court”

Rai journalist Alessandro Pirozzi, during TG3 Piemonte, spoke about the clash between Massimiliano Allegri and Juventus. Tuttojuve.com summarized his words: “A legal battle is expected between Massimiliano Allegri. After the Italian Cup final won against Atalanta, in which the coach from Livorno had blatantly attacked the referee, the club and part of the press, the Juventus management had decided to exonerate him. Behavior not in line with the values ​​of Juventus and those who represent it. An overall picture – according to the company’s top management – in serious violation of the principle of sporting loyalty, envisaged both by the internal code of ethics. that from article 4 of the code of sporting justice. Complaints to which the coach had responded within the established deadline of 5 days with his own defense deductions. Now the dismissal: there is still a year of contract worth over 7 million net , the last tranche of the four-year contract signed in the summer of 2021 and a possible dispute over the damage to the image suffered by the Juventus team, which Allegri could in turn propose in the appeal that he should present to the Labor Court with a request for compensation. It is likely that before getting to all this the transaction route will be attempted to allow the club to save something on the salary still to be paid and the coach to avoid legal consequences in view of the possible call of a new team”. (© Tuttojuve.com. Transcription by our editorial staff. Reproduction of the quotation mark permitted only after citing the source Tuttojuve.com)

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