«Tari increase averted, but the Region must close the waste cycle»

«Tari increase averted, but the Region must close the waste cycle»
«Tari increase averted, but the Region must close the waste cycle»
“The increase in the TARI rate continues to be a blow for the people of Puglia, but the region does not seem to want to remedy it.” – begins Ruggiero Grimaldi (Vice President of the City Council of Barletta and President of the Financial Affairs Commission) – This year, following the national indications of ARERA, our Administration should have adjusted the rates that would have provided for greater increases for citizens. The fact remains, however, that our city, like all those in Puglia, sees a higher cost than the Italian average also due to an almost total absence of regional waste disposal policies, which impose enormous costs on municipalities.”

“In recent weeks, a synergic and responsible work has been carried out with the Budget Assessor and the sector manager, so that the pockets of all Barlettans could be protected in the best possible way. – he states – In fact, it was an indication of this Administration, in the last city council, to find alternative resources to deal with the increased costs deriving from waste management, to ensure that all citizens of Barletta do not have to suffer a further drain on their family economies.”

“Every year, however, we are forced to repeat the same rituals, with the Administrations obliged to protect their citizens in the best possible way and the Regional Government that forces the municipalities to face disposal costs indicated by private plants, with rates often even higher than those of neighboring regions, due to the total lack of public disposal plants. – concludes Grimaldi – The time has come, after 20 years of government, for the center-left to start really worrying about the needs of the people of Puglia and to transform ours into a cutting-edge region, not yet forced to deposit its waste in other areas of Italy, which then use the same to make further money.”

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